Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)

Articles by Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)

Above the law: How Bahraini authorities maintain an entrenched culture of impunity

Despite widespread human rights abuses in Bahrain at the hands of security personnel, few are held accountable. ADHRB highlights the persistent culture of impunity perpetuated by the Bahraini government.

Torture in Bahrain: UN experts decry treatment of political prisoners

Mistreatment of political prisoners in Bahraini jails may amount to “torture”, say eight UN Special Rapporteurs. IFEX member ADHRB provides context for the documented range of abuses prisoners have been subject to.

United Arab Emirates: Human rights lawyer Mohammed Al-Roken must be released

Rights groups and leading intellectuals call for the immediate release of prominent human rights defender Dr. Mohammed Al-Roken, arbitrarily detained since 2012.

UN experts call on Bahrain authorities to compensate activist Najah Yusuf for unlawful detention

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has declared Bahraini activist Najah Yusuf’s 2017 arrest to have been arbitrary and in violation of the right to freedom of expression.

The women political prisoners exposing systemic abuse in Bahrain

From the moment of their arrest through their interrogation, trial and detention, nine former and current women political prisoners in Bahrain speak out about their time in prison in a new report by ADHRB and BIRD.

Attack on photojournalist by Bahraini Embassy staff in London condemned

Moosa Mohammed scaled the Bahraini Embassy in London in protest at the impending executions of Ali AlArab and Ahmed AlMalali. Staff at the embassy allegedly beat him and threatened to throw him off the roof.

Bahrain’s failure to comply with 2017 UPR recommendations under spotlight at the HRC

The government has continued to commit human rights abuses, especially against human rights defenders such as Nabeel Rajab. More recently, new legislation has been approved which further restricts free expression over social media.

40 NGOs call on HRC to take action on Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuses

Open letter highlights mass executions, the arbitrary arrest and torture of women’s rights activists, and the extrajudicial killing of Jamal Khashoggi. The group of NGOs calls on the Human Rights Council to establish a monitoring mechanism.