Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: ANHRI urges government to end prosecution of Palestinian-American professor, believes he is being targeted for expressing his opinion

ANHRI urges government to end prosecution of Palestinian-American professor, believes he is being targeted for expressing his opinion

(ANHRI/IFEX) – The following is a 16 July 2008 ANHRI press release: ANHRI urges US government to end its prosecution of Palestinian-American professor imprisoned since 2003 ANHRI urges the government of the United States to end its prosecution and targeting of Sami Al-Arian, a Palestinian-American activist and professor who has been in jail since 2003. […]

Link to: Journalist harassed, detained, his photographs erased, while investigating construction company activities

Journalist harassed, detained, his photographs erased, while investigating construction company activities

(ANHRI/IFEX) – The following is a 20 July 2008 ANHRI press release: Days Ago, No Investigation Occurred A Journalist at Al-Tareeq Newspaper is waiting for Justice The Arab Network for Human Rights Information,, has presented a complaint to the Prosecutor General demanding an explanation for not conducting any investigation of an assault on Almohamed […]

Link to: Decree prohibits government employees from writing in newspapers

Decree prohibits government employees from writing in newspapers

(ANHRI/IFEX) – The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said on 12 July 2008 that the Kuwaiti government’s issuing of a resolution to prevent official staff from writing in newspapers is a harsh blow to press freedom and freedom of expression, taking Kuwait back decades and violating several constitutional articles that ensure the freedoms of […]

Link to: Writer questioned and released, but warned not to write about military matters without permission

Writer questioned and released, but warned not to write about military matters without permission

(ANHRI/IFEX) – The Military Prosecutor General decided to release journalist and writer Abd Al Khaliq Farouq on 8 July 2008 after two and a half hours of questioning. However, Farouq was instructed to not address any issues related to the military without permission from the concerned bodies. Farouq, who was represented by lawyers from the […]

Link to: Journalist to be questioned by military intelligence over book on economic mismanagement and corruption

Journalist to be questioned by military intelligence over book on economic mismanagement and corruption

(ANHRI/IFEX) – According to information received by ANHRI, on 5 July 2008 the journalist and writer Abd El Khaliq Farouq was notified that he must appear on 8 July at the quarters of the Military Prosecutor General, to answer questions about his most recent book, “Indictment Petition”. Initially, the Military Security Agency had sent a […]

Link to: Journalist brutally assaulted by police, faces trumped-up charges

Journalist brutally assaulted by police, faces trumped-up charges

(ANHRI/IFEX) – Three rights organisations – ANHRI, the Arab Council for the Support of a Fair Trial and the Hisham Mubarak Law Center – submitted a petition to a deputy minister on 21 June 2008, demanding an investigation into the brutal assault of journalist Kamal Murad of “Al-Fajr” newspaper by three police officers on 17 […]

Link to: ANHRI condemns Arab information ministers’ continuing efforts to restrict satellite broadcasting, electronic media

ANHRI condemns Arab information ministers’ continuing efforts to restrict satellite broadcasting, electronic media

(ANHRI/IFEX) – ANHRI condemns the efforts of the ministerial council of Arab information ministers, held in the headquarters of the Arab League on 20 and 21 June 2008, to further restrict satellite television broadcasting. The meeting resulted in the release of a document employing overly broad terms to define a proposed regulatory framework for satellite […]

Link to: Freedom of Opinion & Expression in Egypt

Freedom of Opinion & Expression in Egypt

Freedom of Opinion & Expression in Egypt