Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Police forcefully prevent public expression of anti-extremism opinions by cultural workers

Police forcefully prevent public expression of anti-extremism opinions by cultural workers

(ANHRI/IFEX) – On 11 June 2008, police forces intervened to prevent the staging of a cultural event calling for patriotic unity and rejecting extremism. The gathering was organized by poets and intellectuals, and was to be held in Cairo’s Talaat Harb Square. The police forces prevented the participants from reaching the square, threatening them with […]

Link to: Defamation case launched against blogger for reporting on environmental pollution is first of its kind

Defamation case launched against blogger for reporting on environmental pollution is first of its kind

(ANHRI/IFEX) – According to ANHRI and the “Mosawah” Association for Human Rights, on 9 June 2008 the Azzohour Court of Port Said is expected to begin reviewing a unique case filed by Trust Chemicals Inc. against blogger Tamer Mabrouk. Tamer Mabrouk is the owner of “The Truth Blog”, The blogger is accused of defamation […]

Link to: Critical journalist given six-year prison sentence; ANHRI fears for his welfare

Critical journalist given six-year prison sentence; ANHRI fears for his welfare

(ANHRI/IFEX) – ANHRI condemns the harsh sentence issued on 9 June 2008 by the Yemeni State Security Court against Abdel Karim Al Khaiwani, the former chief editor of the Yemeni newspaper “Al Shora” and the website. Al Khaiwani was sentenced to six years in prison as one of 14 Yemenis accused in the case […]

Link to: Editor and journalist of “Al-Ayam” newspaper sued by religious leader over article condemning extremism

Editor and journalist of “Al-Ayam” newspaper sued by religious leader over article condemning extremism

(ANHRI/IFEX) – ANHRI condemns the persistence of Egyptian Islamist preacher Sheikh Wajdi Ghunaim in his continuous harassment of the Bahraini newspaper “Al-Ayam”, and his prosecution of Eisa Al Shayji, the newspaper’s editor-in-chief, and journalist-writer Saeed Al-Hamad. Ghunaim is suing the journalists for alleged slander before the Criminal Court. Ghunaim – an Egyptian preacher expelled from […]

Link to: Opposition website blocked for users of government-controlled ISP as country hosts Africa’s largest telecommunications conference

Opposition website blocked for users of government-controlled ISP as country hosts Africa’s largest telecommunications conference

(HRinfo/IFEX) – On 12 May 2008, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information reported that the website of the Egyptian Movement for Change ( ), or Kefaya, has been blocked for those who have Internet access through the T-Data Company. T-Data, the country’s largest Internet service provider, has been under direct government oversight since […]

Link to: Forty members and partners of IFEX urge authorities to overturn four editors’ jail sentences during appeal hearing on World Press Freedom Day

Forty members and partners of IFEX urge authorities to overturn four editors’ jail sentences during appeal hearing on World Press Freedom Day

(EOHR/HRinfo/IFEX) – The following is a joint action by 40 IFEX members and partners: Appeal of one-year jail terms given to four Egyptian editors to be heard on World Press Freedom Day We, the undersigned 40 members and partners of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX), are concerned with the ongoing court case against […]

Link to: Critical NGO activists harassed; prosecution of newspaper continues, its editors go on hunger strike

Critical NGO activists harassed; prosecution of newspaper continues, its editors go on hunger strike

(HRinfo/IFEX) – In light of recent repressive acts against critical activists and newspapers, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, during his visit to Tunisia, which commenced 29 April 2008, must not show any direct or indirect support for the Tunisian government’s policies that put extreme pressure on legal activists, journalists and opponents, says HRinfo. On 29 April […]

Link to: Blogger released from prison, his blog blocked by authorities

Blogger released from prison, his blog blocked by authorities

(HRinfo/IFEX) – On the morning of 26 April 2008, the Saudi government released the famous Saudi blogger Fouad Al-Farhan. Al-Farhan was released after spending 145 days in prison. His confinement commenced on 11 December 2007. Meanwhile, at the beginning of April, before releasing Al-Farhan, the authorities blocked his blog ( ). “It is good […]