Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Woman detained for promoting general strike on Facebook, released; student briefly detained for urging release of Internet activists

Woman detained for promoting general strike on Facebook, released; student briefly detained for urging release of Internet activists

(HRinfo/IFEX) – HRinfo welcomes the 23 April 2008 release of Internet activist Esraa Abdelfattah. Abdelfattah was first detained on 6 April, after she posted a call for a general strike on her Facebook webpage. She was released on 14 April following a decision by prosecutors, but the interior minister then issued a detention order against […]

Link to: Raid of satellite communications supplier, confiscation of equipment part of campaign to undermine broadcasters, says HRinfo

Raid of satellite communications supplier, confiscation of equipment part of campaign to undermine broadcasters, says HRinfo

(HRinfo/IFEX) – The Egyptian government has initiated a drastic move to thwart satellite channels. It recently raided one of the most important companies offering satellite equipment for rent and confiscated five sets of its broadcasting equipment. This action may have serious consequences on the live broadcasting capacities of several satellite channels such as Al Jazeera, […]

Link to: New law overly restricts peaceful expression of dissent, says HRinfo

New law overly restricts peaceful expression of dissent, says HRinfo

(HRinfo/IFEX) – On 15 April 2008, HRinfo stated that the new law issued by the Kuwaiti government days before, which infringes on the right to organize gatherings or peaceful protests, is overly restrictive. The Ministry of the Interior approved the law even though it contradicts a 2006 ruling by the Kuwaiti Constitutional Court upholding the […]

Link to: Police raid publishing house, seize copies of novel

Police raid publishing house, seize copies of novel

(HRinfo/IFEX) – On 15 April 2008, a police force led by a colonel raided the Cairo-based Malameh publishing house, which is owned by blogger Muhammad Al Sharkawi, and confiscated copies of a novel entitled “Metro”. The police officers advised one of the Malameh employees that Al Sharkawi and the novel’s author should appear before the […]

Link to: Dropping of television channel disproves authorities’ claim that media would not suffer under Arab region’s satellite broadcasting charter, says HRinfo

Dropping of television channel disproves authorities’ claim that media would not suffer under Arab region’s satellite broadcasting charter, says HRinfo

(HRinfo/IFEX) – HRinfo condemns the banning of the Al Hiwar channel on the Nile Sat satellite by the state-owned Nile Sat administration. The channel was banned without any explanation on 1 April 2008. The action coincides with the implementation of the new “Principles for Organizing Satellite Radio and TV Broadcasting in the Arab Region” approved […]

Link to: Newspaper editor given suspended six-month sentence for reporting on rumours regarding president’s health

Newspaper editor given suspended six-month sentence for reporting on rumours regarding president’s health

(HRinfo/IFEX) – On 26 March 2008, HRinfo denounced the judgment issued by Boulak Abu Al-Ela Court of Misdemeanor, which was held in New Cairo Courts Assemblage, against Ibrahim Issa, the editor-in-chief of “Al-Dostour” independent newspaper, in which he was fined 200 L.E. and given a suspended sentence of six months in prison. This was in […]

Link to: Head of free expression organisation charged with “libelling state bodies” over article on January 2008 riots

Head of free expression organisation charged with “libelling state bodies” over article on January 2008 riots

(HRinfo/IFEX) – HRinfo is appalled by the Syrian authorities’ insistence on having a military tribunal examine charges against journalist Mazen Darwish, head of the Syrian Centre for Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression. He is accused of “libelling and defaming the state’s bodies” by publishing a feature report about the January 2008 riots in Damascus, […]

Link to: New restrictions on Internet cafés and violations of users’ privacy

New restrictions on Internet cafés and violations of users’ privacy

(HRinfo/IFEX) – HRinfo has denounced decisions announced by the Jordanian ministry of the interior increasing restrictions on internet cafés in Jordan, on the pretext of maintaining security, through installing cameras to monitor users of these cafés. HRinfo also emphasized that these procedures are a real retreat from freedom to use the Internet and the right […]