Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Newspapers’ trial over publication of Prophet cartoons postponed; editors still detained under illegal circumstances

Newspapers’ trial over publication of Prophet cartoons postponed; editors still detained under illegal circumstances

(HRinfo/IFEX) – The following is a 27 April 2006 HRinfo press release: Yemen: Yemeni Independent Newspaper Continue to be stopped Postponement of the trials to next May 27 April 2006 – A Yemeni court decided yesterday to postpone the trial session of Akram Sabra and Yehia Al-Abed, editors of Al-Hurriya Newspaper who are being charged […]

Link to: Journalist ends hunger strike; government commitments unfulfilled following WSIS II, say IFEX-TMG members

Journalist ends hunger strike; government commitments unfulfilled following WSIS II, say IFEX-TMG members

(AMARC/HRinfo/WPFC/IFEX) – The following is a 24 April 2006 press release by three members of the IFEX-TMG who participated in a mission to Tunisia: Tunisian Commitments Unfulfilled Following WSIS II Freedom in Tunisia remains well below international standards five months after the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was held in Tunis in November […]

Link to: Human rights groups condemn detention of writer and his family

Human rights groups condemn detention of writer and his family

(HRinfo/CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a joint statement by a number of Egyptian human rights groups, including HRinfo and CIHRS: Syria: detention of a Syrian writer and his family Egyptian human rights groups condemn the detention and calls for his release 30 March 2006 Egyptian human rights groups condemned today the continuation of the detention […]

Link to: HRinfo sets up press observatory to monitor Tunisian coverage in Egyptian press

HRinfo sets up press observatory to monitor Tunisian coverage in Egyptian press

(HRinfo/IFEX) – The following is a 23 March 2006 Hrinfo press release: HRinfo Press Freedom Support Unit Press Observatory On 21 March 2006, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRinfo) set up a Press Observatory to monitor the Arabic language press in Egypt, searching for what appear to be paid advertisements (disguised as articles) […]

Link to: CAPSULE REPORT: Arab governments attack websites

CAPSULE REPORT: Arab governments attack websites

(HRinfo/IFEX) – The following is a 5 March 2006 HRinfo statement: HRinfo announces its concern for and condemnation of the attack against freedom of expression committed by Arab governments blocking websites that call for freedom of thought and expression. For the past week, the Egyptian website has been blocked. In addition, the famous website […]

Link to: Participants at IFEX General Meeting call for decriminalization of press offences

Participants at IFEX General Meeting call for decriminalization of press offences

(EOHR/HRinfo/IFEX) – The following letter to the Egyptian authorities was issued at the IFEX General Meeting, in Brussels, Belgium, 19-24 February 2006, and is endorsed by the signatories below: His Excellency Muhammed Hosni Mubarak President, Arab Republic of Egypt Abidin Palace Cairo Arab Republic of Egypt CC. Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United […]