Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Egyptian rights lawyer sentenced to 5 years for defamation of religion

Egyptian rights lawyer sentenced to 5 years for defamation of religion

Egyptian human rights organisations have joined together to condemn the sentencing of Egyptian lawyer and activist Karem Saber to five years in prison for allegedly insulting religion.

Link to: Rights organisations call on National Assembly to amend Tunisia’s draft constitution

Rights organisations call on National Assembly to amend Tunisia’s draft constitution

Eighteen human rights organisations came together to support an open letter addressed by the Civil Coalition for the Defence of Freedom of Expression to the Chairman and members of the National Constituent Assembly in Tunisia, as they prepare to discuss the final draft of the constitution.

Link to: Kuwaiti woman sentenced to 11 years in jail for ‘insulting’ the emir on Twitter

Kuwaiti woman sentenced to 11 years in jail for ‘insulting’ the emir on Twitter

Huda al-Ajami, a 37-year-old teacher, is the latest citizen to be sentenced by a Kuwaiti court to 11 years in prison for insulting the emir on Twitter.

Link to: Egyptian rights groups: Unjust ruling in NGO trial is a fatal blow to free expression

Egyptian rights groups: Unjust ruling in NGO trial is a fatal blow to free expression

Twenty Egyptian organisations have come to gether to condemn in the strongest terms the verdict issued on June 4 by the Cairo Criminal Court which convicted 43 staff members of international NGOs in the so-called “foreign funding case.”

Khalil Ma’touq, a prominent human rights lawyer, has provided legal assistance to victims of human rights abuses in Syria for many years before his arrest, Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)

Health of detained Syrian rights lawyer Khalil Ma’touq worsening

Nineteen human rights organisations have joined forces to condemn the continued enforced disappearance of Syrian human rights lawyer Khalil Ma’touq whose health has been steadily deterioriating over the past eight months he spent in detention.

Link to: Coptic Egyptian lawyer accused of defaming Islam sentenced to prison

Coptic Egyptian lawyer accused of defaming Islam sentenced to prison

Coptic lawyer Romani Murad Saad was sentenced to one year in prison in absentia after being accused of insulting Islam. He is the latest in an increasing number of defamation cases against Copts in Egypt.

Link to: Algerian security forces violently disperse a peaceful labour protest

Algerian security forces violently disperse a peaceful labour protest

Algerian security forces violently dispersed a peaceful protest organised by labour activists on 26 May 2013 resulting in the arrest of around 50 protesters.

Link to: Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood lays the foundations for a new police state

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood lays the foundations for a new police state

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), are currently seeking to curb the right to freedom of association through legal restrictions even more severe than those imposed by the Mubarak regime.