Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Egyptian authorities failing to counter a declining state of press freedom

Egyptian authorities failing to counter a declining state of press freedom

On World Press Freedom Day, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information published a report noting a lack of political will towards changing the deteriorating state of press freedom in Egypt.

Ayşe Berktay in Bakırköy Women’s Prison. , Ali Berktay/PEN American Center

IFEX members call for Turkish translator, women’s rights activist to be freed

Two dozen IFEX members call on Turkey to free prominent translator and women’s rights activist Ayşe Berktay, winner of the 2013 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award.

Link to: Two detained Omani activists gone missing

Two detained Omani activists gone missing

One Omani human rights defender and another blogger have both gone missing since being summoned for investigation by the Omani intelligence services.

Link to: Emirati netizen sentenced to 10 months in jail for tweeting

Emirati netizen sentenced to 10 months in jail for tweeting

A 10-month prison sentence has been handed down to netizen Abdullah Al-Hadidi for tweeting details of the UAE’s trial of the 94 activists accused of plotting to overthrow the regime.

Link to: Egyptian blogger faces trial for mocking Ministry of Interior

Egyptian blogger faces trial for mocking Ministry of Interior

Ahmed Anwar, an Egyptian video blogger, is being tried in court due to accusations made by the prosecution claiming he insulted the minister of interior.

A Palestinian protester holds stones as others take cover during clashes with Israeli soldiers who fired live ammunition at the crowds following the funeral of Maysara Abu Hamdeya in Hebron, REUTERS/Ammar Awad

Israeli forces kill two Palestinian teenagers during protests

Israeli forces, using live ammunition, shot dead two young Palestinian protesters during demonstrations that were staged in honour of Palestinian prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh who died of cancer in Israeli custody.

A Palestinian protester holds stones as others take cover during clashes with Israeli soldiers who fired live ammunition at the crowds following the funeral of Maysara Abu Hamdeya in Hebron, REUTERS/Ammar Awad

Israeli forces kill two Palestinian teenagers during protests

Israeli forces, using live ammunition, shot dead two young Palestinian protesters during demonstrations that were staged in honour of Palestinian prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh who died of cancer in Israeli custody.

Link to: Bahraini prosecution appeals rights defender’s acquittal

Bahraini prosecution appeals rights defender’s acquittal

The Bahraini prosecution has decided to appeal the court’s decision to acquit human rights defender Said Yousif Al-Muhafdah of charges laid against him for publishing ‘false news’ on Twitter.