Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Screengrab of campaign website with images of the imprisoned,

How Egypt’s civil society is defending countless prisoners of conscience

Ten Egyptian rights organisations launch campaign called Voices Behind Bars to defend hundreds of young people currently detained for exercising their right of freedom of opinion and expression.

Egyptians demonstrate against President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi in Mesaha square in Cairo's Dokki district, Monday, April 25, 2016, AP Photo/Mostafa Darwish

In run-up to planned protests, Egyptian authorities conduct mass arrests

Police have arrested youth from cafes in downtown Cairo, at metro stations, at random police checkpoints and from their homes.

#FreeBassel campaign in Holland, Flickr/Kennisland

Four years after his arrest, NGOs ask: Where is Syrian activist Bassel Khartabil?

Since his detention, many human rights groups have campaigned for his release. On 21 April 2015, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared his detention a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and called for his release, yet the Syrian authorities refuse to free him.

An unrolled cup used by Atena to make art in prison, since confiscated.

Rights groups and cartoonists ask Iranian President Rouhani to help free artist Atena Farghadani

Over 40 human rights groups and more than 75 international cartoonists are calling for leniency for Atena Farghadani, an Iranian cartoonist currently wrongfully jailed.

Egyptian rights advocate Gamal Eid, Maharat News

Government’s use of travel bans turns Egypt into “mass jail cell” for rights advocates

Head of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information Gamal Eid’s travel ban is the latest in a string of arbitrary travel bans targeting activists and human rights advocates in Egypt.

The original terrorism-related charges against Ali Anouzla reportedly still stand - as does the very real risk of him spending anywhere between 10 and 30 years in jail. ,

NGOs to Morocco: Drop charges against journalist Ali Anouzla once and for all

As one of the most respected Arab journalists in the region, Ali Anouzla’s publications are renowned for their unequivocally pro-democracy editorial line that translates into a critical yet fair treatment of the real power holders in Morocco.

Hossam Bahgat is an investigative journalist who writes mostly for the news website Mada Masr and is the founder of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, AFTE

Rights groups to Egyptian government: Release journalist Hossam Bahgat immediately

Military prosecutors ordered the detention of investigative journalist Hossam Bahgat on the morning of 9 November for four days pending interrogation on charges related solely to his writings as a journalist. The prosecutors refuse to tell lawyers where Bahgat is being detained.

People shout slogans during a demonstration against corruption, poor services and power cuts in Baghdad, Iraq, August 21, 2015, REUTERS/Ahmed Saad

Iraq’s anti-corruption protests marred by wave of murders

Several Iraqi provinces have witnessed the violent deaths of political activists and tribal leaders supportive of Iraq’s nation-wide anti-corruption protests. Undaunted by the killings and the government’s apparent inability or unwillingness to respond to them, protesters have vowed to keep demonstrating until their demands are met.