Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Television station ordered to stop broadcasting; complaint filed against another station

Television station ordered to stop broadcasting; complaint filed against another station

ANHRI condemns the double standard demonstrated by the government in it harassment of elFara’een, whose breaches were no different than those committed by the state-owned channel.

Link to: Satellite broadcasters harassed, BBC programme cancelled: government actions leading to rigged elections, says ANHRI

Satellite broadcasters harassed, BBC programme cancelled: government actions leading to rigged elections, says ANHRI

Satellite broadcasters have been ordered to produce live broadcasts only from specific locations when covering the upcoming elections.

Link to: Independent news site blocked less than a year after its launch

Independent news site blocked less than a year after its launch

According to ANHRI, the Emirates Local News site was blocked after it posted news that the government wanted to conceal from its citizens.

Link to: Five years past WSIS, online activity even more censored, critics silenced

Five years past WSIS, online activity even more censored, critics silenced

The IFEX-TMG is deeply concerned that five years after hosting the World Summit on the Information Society, Tunisia remains one of the most repressive countries for independent journalists, bloggers and human rights defenders.

Link to: Disinformation campaign by Tunisia’s government in Egyptian newspapers

Disinformation campaign by Tunisia’s government in Egyptian newspapers

The newspaper advertisements were in the form of articles and did not clearly state that they were written in Tunisia by the Tunisian media.

Link to: Fifty human rights organisations, including four IFEX members, express solidarity with activists on trial on fabricated charges

Fifty human rights organisations, including four IFEX members, express solidarity with activists on trial on fabricated charges

The activists have not committed any offenses other than the peaceful expression of their views, the organisations said.

Link to: Egyptian activist arrested in Saudi Arabia

Egyptian activist arrested in Saudi Arabia

Usama Mishref, coordinator of the National Assembly for Change, was arrested while travelling from Riyadh to Mecca to launch a campaign about democratic reform in Egypt.

Link to: Twenty journalists arrested, then released

Twenty journalists arrested, then released

Twenty journalists and reporters from the Libyan Press news agency were detained by security officers.