Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Blog shut down after promoting opposition candidate

Blog shut down after promoting opposition candidate

The blog belonging to Amr Osama was shut down following a complaint by Gamal Mubarak, the president’s son and aspiring presidential candidate.

Link to: Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Kabila to end persecution and harassment of journalists and media

Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Kabila to end persecution and harassment of journalists and media

There has been a steady decline in the working environment for Congolese journalists and the space for free expression is shrinking.

Link to: State security department prevents group from forming a registered association

State security department prevents group from forming a registered association

The One Homeland for Development and Freedoms group was denied registration as an association based on a security department refusal to give its consent.

Link to: Rights organisations call on Prosecutor General’s Office to investigate intellectual property case

Rights organisations call on Prosecutor General’s Office to investigate intellectual property case

ANHRI director Gamal Eid, an activist and a blogger are facing accusations by a judge who has been accused of reproducing ANHRI’s material without credit.

Link to: Journalist and blogger fined and sentenced to six months in jail

Journalist and blogger fined and sentenced to six months in jail

Ashraf Shehata was convicted of libel and insult, while the internet café owners where he blogged were found guilty of illegally operating a communications network.

Link to: ANHRI issues third guide on legal defence for bloggers and journalists

ANHRI issues third guide on legal defence for bloggers and journalists

The 48-page booklet, titled “Publication Bans”, contains advice for journalists and bloggers on how to avoid being charged with violating a publication ban and information on how to defend themselves against the charges.

Link to: Thirty-five IFEX members and other organisations appeal for charges to be dropped against prominent human rights activists and blogger

Thirty-five IFEX members and other organisations appeal for charges to be dropped against prominent human rights activists and blogger

Gamal Eid, Ahmad Saif al-Islam and Amr Gharbeia are charged with criminal defamation, use of threats and misuse of communications tools.

Link to: Security forces detain cartoonist who witnessed journalist’s arrest

Security forces detain cartoonist who witnessed journalist’s arrest

No reasons have been given for the detention of Kamal Sharaf, who is being held at the national security jail along with journalist Abd AlElah Haidar.