Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Blogger remains in detention despite release of other prisoners of conscience

Blogger remains in detention despite release of other prisoners of conscience

Although the Egyptian government recently released several prisoners of conscience, the blogger and novelist Mossad Abu Fagr was not among them.

Link to: IFEX-TMG condemns jail term handed to journalist Fahem Boukaddous

IFEX-TMG condemns jail term handed to journalist Fahem Boukaddous

The IFEX-TMG urges authorities to end to the “shameful use of the judiciary to stifle free expression and punish critical journalists” follow ing confirmation of a four-year sentence for Fahem Boukaddous.

Link to: Political activist fined, sentenced to three months in jail

Political activist fined, sentenced to three months in jail

Khaled Al Fadala was convicted of “insult” and “libel” after the prime minister filed a complaint against him.


Emirati writer fired from Arab League job over opinion piece

Writer and poet Dhabiya Khamis published a piece on her blog in September 2009 criticising the Arab League’s performance.

Link to: Thirty IFEX members and 38 other organisations call on government to stop politically-motivated prosecutions of journalists

Thirty IFEX members and 38 other organisations call on government to stop politically-motivated prosecutions of journalists

Independent journalists, including Taoufik Bouachrine and Ali Amar, are increasingly being targeted by the authorities.

Link to: Human rights organisations express concern over lawyer’s trial and call for his release

Human rights organisations express concern over lawyer’s trial and call for his release

Attorney Muhannad al-Hassani was referred to a judge for questioning due to his human rights work, specifically his reports on exceptional trials before the High State Security Court.

Link to: IFEX-TMG condemns adoption of new law against government critics

IFEX-TMG condemns adoption of new law against government critics

The IFEX-TMG, a coalition of 20 IFEX members, condemns the Tunisian Chamber of Deputies’ adoption of a new law hastily tailored to stifle freedom of expression both inside and outside the country.

Link to: ANHRI issues guide to legal defence for journalists and bloggers

ANHRI issues guide to legal defence for journalists and bloggers

The booklet includes tips for journalists and bloggers about how to defend themselves if they are accused of spreading rumours and false news.