Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Journalist sentenced to three months in prison for insulting president

Journalist sentenced to three months in prison for insulting president

In 2007, journalist Anisa Mohammed Ali Osman published two opinion articles in “Al-Wasat” newspaper that were deemed to be insulting to the president.

Link to: Arab organisations condemn smear campaigns targeting human rights defenders

Arab organisations condemn smear campaigns targeting human rights defenders

The smear campaigns have included incitements to murder and have gone so far as to accuse rights defenders and opposition journalists of spying for Israel.

Link to: TMG calls on European Parliament to help end Tunisian government’s unrelenting war on free expression

TMG calls on European Parliament to help end Tunisian government’s unrelenting war on free expression

TMG members hope the public debate in the European Parliament on 20 January 2010 will send a strong message to the Tunisian government.

Link to: Journalist held past his release date, begins hunger strike in protest

Journalist held past his release date, begins hunger strike in protest

Hanafi Oueld Dah was due to be released on 24 December 2009 but a court rejected an appeal for his release.

Link to: Activist dismissed from job for criticising human rights situation

Activist dismissed from job for criticising human rights situation

ANHRI considers the dismissal of human rights activist Muhammad Ali Mansouri to be a serious violation of freedom of expression.

Link to: ANHRI releases report on Internet usage, censorship and repression in the Arab world

ANHRI releases report on Internet usage, censorship and repression in the Arab world

Governments block and censor the Internet, tap the lines of its users and torture many of them, says ANHRI (ANHRI/IFEX) – Cairo 21 December 2009 – ANHRI has stated that the internet has a snowball effect on the process of democracy in the Arab world. This new force cannot be stopped by governments’ actions of […]

Link to: Blogger still detained despite four court orders calling for his release

Blogger still detained despite four court orders calling for his release

ANHRI condemned the Interior Ministry for refusing to act on the release warrant issued by the State Security Supreme Criminal Court.

Link to: Bill targets Arab satellite channels

Bill targets Arab satellite channels

A bill that would penalise Arab satellite channels considered to be “enemies of the United States” is a blow to freedom of expression, says ANHRI.