Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Government announces lifting of restrictions on printed press

Government announces lifting of restrictions on printed press

ANHRI has welcomed a government decision, lifting one of the state’s practices aimed at “controlling” newspapers.

Link to: Jailed blogger beaten by prison officers

Jailed blogger beaten by prison officers

Hani Nazeer claims he and other inmates were beaten by prison officers and had their heads shaved by force.

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni , MI

Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Museveni to lift the ban on the four radio stations and address the state of free expression

Condemning the shut-down of four radio stations and a violent crackdown on members of the press during a period recent social unrest, 31 IFEX members call on President Museveni to guard free expression rights.

Link to: Blogger sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for “spreading false news”

Blogger sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for “spreading false news”

After spending more than two years behind bars, blogger Kareem Arbaji has been sentenced by the State Security Court to three years’ imprisonment for “spreading false news”.

Link to: American blogger detained at Cairo airport, barred from entering Egypt

American blogger detained at Cairo airport, barred from entering Egypt

Blogger Travis Randall was detained at Cairo airport, then forced to buy a plane ticket and leave Egypt.

Link to: Television comedy programmes banned in Egypt and Kuwait

Television comedy programmes banned in Egypt and Kuwait

The Kuwaiti and Egyptian authorities have banned two comedy programmes criticising government officials in each country.

Link to: ANHRI director denied entry to Morocco

ANHRI director denied entry to Morocco

The Moroccan government has prevented Gamal Eid, ANHRI’s executive director, from entering Morocco.