Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Poet acquitted of insult charges

Poet acquitted of insult charges

Poet-teacher Mounir Saeed Hanna was acquitted of charges that he had insulted the president.

Link to: Police harass journalist and his family

Police harass journalist and his family

ANHRI condemns the organized attacks led by police officers against Alaa Al Gamel, reporter for the weekly “Sout Al Ouma.”

Link to: Authorities threaten to close Al Jazeera office

Authorities threaten to close Al Jazeera office

ANHRI condemns the escalation of the Yemeni government’s crackdown on independent media which has now extended to the targeting of satellite television stations.

Link to: Reporter on trial for “dressing in a sensational manner”

Reporter on trial for “dressing in a sensational manner”

A reporter who is bitterly critical of the government and fundamentalists has been brought to trial for “dressing in a sensational manner.”

Link to: Editor sentenced to six months’ imprisonment now behind bars

Editor sentenced to six months’ imprisonment now behind bars

ANHRI condemns the arrest of Yaser Barakat, editor-in-chief of “Al-Mogaz” newspaper.

Link to: Journalist’s prison sentence commuted, fine increased and complaint against police dismissed

Journalist’s prison sentence commuted, fine increased and complaint against police dismissed

An Arrahmaneyia Court decided to commute the original sentence against Kamal Mural, a journalist for the weekly “AlFajr” newspaper.

Link to: Egyptian authorities detain blogger in airport

Egyptian authorities detain blogger in airport

ANHRI accused the Egyptian government of detaining a blogger upon his arrival at Cairo International Airport.

Link to: Court of appeal upholds acquittal of ANHRI director, two bloggers

Court of appeal upholds acquittal of ANHRI director, two bloggers

The court of appeal in Dokki, Giza upheld the decision made on 31 December 2008 acquitting bloggers Alaa and Manal and ANHRI Executive Director Gamal Eid of the charges of libel and insult.