Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Court upholds heavy fine against blogger

Court upholds heavy fine against blogger

The al-Zohour Court of Appeal in Port Said upheld an earlier decision sentencing blogger Tamer Mabrouk to a heavy fine.

Link to: ANHRI releases annual freedom of expression report

ANHRI releases annual freedom of expression report

Despite the fact that the Network recorded a decline in the number of cases brought against journalists and bloggers in 2008 compared with 2007, the violations that took place in 2008 were more violent.

Link to: Academic acquitted of charges in Hisba lawsuit, one of several he is facing

Academic acquitted of charges in Hisba lawsuit, one of several he is facing

The Legal Aid Unit for Freedom of Expression won an acquittal for Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, director of the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, in a Hisba case brought against him

Link to: Previously abducted blogger harassed by police

Previously abducted blogger harassed by police

The blogger has received many phone calls from the State Security officers ordering him to meet with them.

Link to: Academic acquitted of charges of “abusing Egypt’s reputation”

Academic acquitted of charges of “abusing Egypt’s reputation”

The Arabic Network for Human Rights (ANHRI) reports that the al-Khalifa Court of Appeal issued its ruling to annul the decision to imprison Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim for a term of two years.

Link to: Human rights organisations urge president to lift blockade on newspapers, websites

Human rights organisations urge president to lift blockade on newspapers, websites

On the occasion of the 19th anniversary of Yemen’s Unity Day, Egyptian human rights organizations urged Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to order the Ministry of Information to stop the siege imposed on Yemeni newspapers and remove the ban on blocked Yemeni websites.

Link to: Culture Ministry confiscates book following criticisms

Culture Ministry confiscates book following criticisms

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) said today that it is strongly concerned with the decision of the Syrian Ministry of Culture to confiscate a book entitled “Syria in the Russian flights during the nineteenth century”.

Link to: Critical journalist shot by security forces

Critical journalist shot by security forces

ANHRI is deeply disturbed by ongoing practices hostile to press freedom in Yemen, including the arrest of a journalist and internet activist in Mukalla and the gun attack on another journalist by security forces in the same city.