Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Articles by Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)

Link to: Journalist remains in detention despite a judicial order for his release

Journalist remains in detention despite a judicial order for his release

(ANHRI/IFEX) – Journalist Mustafa Sabry remains in custody despite a Supreme Court order for his release handed down on 10 September 2008. Sabry, a freelance journalist, was detained by Palestinian intelligence forces on 31 July in the West Bank city of Qalqilya. Neither Sabry nor his lawyers were informed of the accusations against him or […]

Link to: Two publications’ licences revoked

Two publications’ licences revoked

(ANHRI/IFEX) – On 7 September 2008, the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information,, condemned the revoking of the licences of both “Azzohour” magazine and “Ashorouq” newspaper in less than one week. The security agencies decided that “Azzohour” magazine should not be published, and took offence to the fact that some of “Ashorouq” newspaper’s shareholders […]

Link to: After unfair trial, blogger sentenced to two years in prison and fine for article about king

After unfair trial, blogger sentenced to two years in prison and fine for article about king

(ANHRI/IFEX) – ANHRI has condemned the severe sentence that blogger Mohamed Erraji received on 9 September 2008 from a court in Agadir of two years in prison and a fine of 5,000 Moroccan dirhams (approx. US$625) for “disparagement of the king”. The case stems from an article entitled “The King Encourages the Dependency of his […]

Link to: Imprisoned author Karim Amer in poor state of health, harassed and denied basic rights

Imprisoned author Karim Amer in poor state of health, harassed and denied basic rights

(ANHRI/IFEX) – ANHRI reports from the Borg Al-Arab prison, in the Alexandrian desert, that Karim Amer, an author imprisoned for exercising his freedom of expression, has been subjected to significant ill-treatment. ANHRI’s lawyer Rawda Ahmed visited Amer in prison on 30 August 2008. She was shocked to find him in a poor state of health. […]

Link to: Al Arabiya news channel’s Tehran bureau chief expelled

Al Arabiya news channel’s Tehran bureau chief expelled

(ANHRI/IFEX) – ANHRI condemns the Iranian authorities’ expulsion of Hassan Fahs, the chief of Al Arabiya news television station’s Tehran bureau, on 2 September 2008, after revoking his media accreditation. According to Al Arabiya’s website, a documentary film about Iran aired under the title “The Road to The Revolution”, may be the motive behind this […]

Link to: Videotaping of two episodes of “Eye on Democracy” television programme ordered halted by authorities

Videotaping of two episodes of “Eye on Democracy” television programme ordered halted by authorities

(ANHRI/IFEX) – The Egyptian authorities recently ordered the cancellation, without justification, of the videotaping of two programmes for an American satellite television channel, Al-Hura, just hours before their shooting, and in spite of the authorities’ four-week-old agreement with the company to allow the videotaping. Both programmes were on the issue of democracy, and involved interviews […]

Link to: Printing press refuses to print edition of newspaper

Printing press refuses to print edition of newspaper

(ANHRI/IFEX) – On 20 August 2008, ANHRI expressed its objection to, and firm condemnation of Al Ahram Press’s refusal to print the second edition of “Al-Badeel” daily independent newspaper. The press’s decision came on the heels of the newspaper’s coverage of a fire in al-Shoura Council, which included comments by experts suggesting that “the fire […]

Link to: Blogger arrested, faces charges under state of emergency law

Blogger arrested, faces charges under state of emergency law

(ANHRI/IFEX) – On 23 August 2008, ANHRI and the Hisham Mubarak Law Center reported that the state security investigation agency had decided to keep in prison Mohamed Refaat, editor of the blog Matabbat, . The authorities have turned a blind eye to a 17 August supreme state security prosecution order calling for the young […]