Articles by Canadian Journalists for Free Expression

An elusive right: Free expression in post-revolutionary Tunisia
Two years have passed since the the first days of the Tunisia revolution. Freedom of expression was virtually non-existent in the country under the Ben Ali regime, what became of it now?

New gag law threatens free expression in Canadian province
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression is extremely concerned by the Alberta government’s unprecedented and unacceptable attack on freedom of expression. The recent passage of Bill 45, a gag law, makes it illegal to advocate for a strike by public employees and poses serious threats to press freedom in the province.

Call for release of Canadians detained in Russia with Arctic 30
Paul Ruzycki and Alexandre Paul, are among those still trapped in Russia facing trumped up charges and the possibility of seven years in prison. Yet, despite pleas from their families and letters from civil society groups, political parties, and tens of thousands of Canadians urging action, the Canadian government remains silent.

In an attack on free expression, libel may be recriminalised in Romania
IFEX members are calling on the president of Romania to veto proposed changes to the penal code passed by Parliament that would recriminalise insult and libel.

Cuba Libre? The truth about free expression in Cuba
José Peralta, the 2013-2014 Scotiabank / CJFE Journalism Fellow, interviews Cubans who, although happy with ongoing economic changes, acknowledge that freedom of expression is still an issue in Cuba, where the Castro regime has been in power since 1959.

Worldwide condemnation for brutal attacks on over 50 journalists in Ukraine
IFEX members strongly condemn recent attacks on journalists during public demonstrations in Kyiv and call for those responsible to be held accountable.

Tunisia’s constitution should be a model to protect free expression in the region, say rights groups
Over 50 IFEX members and partners appeal to the civil society groups assisting in a consultation process with elected representatives to protect freedom of expression in the new Tunisian Constitution.

Canada urged to pass Anti-SLAPP bill protecting public participation
In a letter, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression calls on the Attorney General to ensure Bill 83, which reflects recommendations of the Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel, passes second reading and is referred to Committee before the Legislature rises for the holiday break on December 13th.