Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

Articles by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq

“Accusing Sleman Ahmed of espionage and holding him for months before giving him access to his lawyers is yet another setback to press freedom in Iraqi Kurdistan.” – CPJ

Disturbing threats against the bastion of Burundian independent press

A series of alarming incidents involving journalists from the independent news outlet Iwacu Press Group raises serious concerns about their ongoing safety.

Journalists assaulted amid ongoing Kenyan protests

CPJ’s queries sent via emails and text messages to the Ministry of Interior, Kenya National Police Service, and the Communications Authority on Tuesday night did not receive an immediate response.

Drug-related violence fuels an exodus of Ecuador’s press

“The longer journalists remain in exile, the harder it can be for them to remain in the profession” – CPJ.

CPJ calls for immediate release of Chinese journalist Sophia Huang Xueqin

The journalist is well known for her reporting on sexual abuse in China.

Church members assault journalists in Ituri province

After refusing to be interviewed over a land dispute, church congregants then attacked reporters Esaïe Mbusa and Néhémie Paluku.

Russia: U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich to stand trial on 26 June

“The start of Gershkovich’s trial comes after he has already spent more than 14 months behind bars for no other reason than his work as a journalist … Russian authorities must immediately release [him] and drop all charges against him” – CPJ

DRC journalist Tatiana Osango brutally assaulted

Seven men assaulted journalist Tatiana Osango with glass bottles, claiming to act on orders from UDPS secretary general Augustin Kabuya.