Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

Articles by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

Guatemala: No press freedom, no democracy

We call on authorities to respect and protect freedom of expression and freedom of the press as necessary conditions to guarantee democracy and the legitimacy of the electoral process.

Colombian journalist Luis Gabriel Pereira shot and killed in town of Ciénaga de Oro

Pereira, 25, founded the local news outlet ‘Notiorense; on Facebook this year. He published stories on crime and public security in Ciénaga de Oro, including articles about the recent killing of a woman that named her alleged killer.

Guatemalan newspaper “elPeriódico” closes under government pressure   

“The decision of the ‘elPeriódico’ newspaper to cease publication is the result of the President Alejandro Giammattei administration’s judicial and financial harassment of the outlet’s founder, José Rubén Zamora, and its journalists for their critical reporting on corruption”.  

CPJ report finds no accountability for journalists killed by the Israeli military over the past two decades

“The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh and the failure of the army’s investigative process to hold anyone responsible is not a one-off event.”

Mexican President López Obrador repeatedly criticizes news outlets and press freedom group over spyware coverage

“Mexican President López Obrador’s recent attempts to discredit journalist Nayeli Roldán, three critical news outlets, and ARTICLE 19 are more proof that his administration prefers harassing journalists over solving the country’s catastrophic press freedom crisis.”

CPJ welcomes Ecuador’s pledge to strengthen press freedom commitments following meeting with the government

Mission to Ecuador spotlights urgent need to prioritize journalist safety.

CPJ calls on British PM to press for Jimmy Lai’s freedom after Hong Kong report

The Committee to Protect Journalists said that the U.K. government should take action to secure the release of Jimmy Lai and other imprisoned journalists based on the report of Britain’s All-Party Parliamentary Group about Hong Kong media freedom.

CPJ report examines EU’s response to threats to journalists

“Often, the scope and effectiveness of EU actions in support of press freedom reflect the gap between the values-based narrative that the EU tells about itself and the reality of how it and its member states pursue their interests” – CPJ