European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

Articles by European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

Russia: Court sentences US-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to 6.5 years in prison

Kurmasheva, who had been in pre-trial detention since October 2023, was tried in secret and convicted of “spreading false information” about the Russian military.

Russia outlaws ‘The Moscow Times’ as “undesirable organisation”

“This legislation on undesirable organisations is just a repressive tool in the hands of the Kremlin. It aims to censor independent voices and to criminalise the practice of independent journalism” – EFJ

Russia: Journalist Artem Kriger jailed on charges of extremism

Kriger was placed in pre-trial detention on charges of allegedly assisting the late Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, labelled as “extremist”.

EC study on journalist safety lacks solutions while security deteriorates

Press freedom groups point to “a disconnect between the report’s findings and on-the-ground realities”.

German police assaulted, detained journalist during crackdown on pro-Palestinian activists

“The policeman suddenly attacked me from behind. He punched me twice in the face before pushing me to the ground with his knee behind my back. I kept shouting that I was a journalist” – Ignacio Rosaslanda

Georgian PM urged to withdraw Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, guarantee the safety of journalists, and uphold press freedom

IFEX joins the members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response and other organisations in expressing deep alarm about the Foreign Influence Bill and the sudden rise in violence and other restrictions against Georgia’s journalists reporting on the public protests against the Bill.

Russia: Journalists Konstantin Gabov and Sergey Karelin arrested for “extremism”

Both journalists are accused of “extremism” following their alleged preparation of photo and video materials for the YouTube channel “NavalnyLIVE”.

Greece: Three years on, still no justice for murdered journalist Giorgos Karaivaz

“Karaivaz was one of Greece’s most prominent investigative journalists specialising in organised crime and police reporting when he was gunned down in broad daylight outside his Athens home on 9 April 2021”.