European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

Articles by European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

Polish press faces unprecedented challenges as country heads towards elections

Recent media freedom mission finds press and journalists in Poland facing legal threats, financial precarity, political pressure, regulatory capture and growing polarisation.

Russia must end its war crimes against journalists in Ukraine

“Deliberately targeting journalists, shelling their facilities, and engaging in arbitrary detentions and torture clearly violate international humanitarian law and press freedom.”

Free expression groups condemn fifth imprisonment order against journalist Barış Pehlivan

Pehlivan was told to turn himself over to the Marmara Low Security Correctional Institution between August 1-15, 2023. He has already been incarcerated four times for his journalism.

Republika Srpska must not re-criminalise defamation

On 18 July, members of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) will vote on the draft Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code, which would re-introduce criminal penalties for defamation.

EU’s 2023 Rule of Law Report highlights threats to safety of journalists

The fourth Rule of Law report makes specific recommendations to 19 individual EU member states, urging them to take measures to protect journalists, media freedom and pluralism.

EU Council adopts watered-down position on anti-SLAPP directive

“It is far too restrictive to have a meaningful impact. Very few cases fall within the scope of what the council is proposing. Member States’ public commitments are not being translated into concrete action when it comes to providing a favourable environment for journalists” – EFJ

Several journalists attacked amidst Serb protests in northern Kosovo

Tensions in the region have escalated after municipal elections – boycotted by the Serbian minority – brought to power ethnically Albanian mayors in three towns.

Turkey: Broadcast regulator must stop punishing critical reporting ahead of elections

“Instead of upholding freedom of expression and media pluralism in the country, RTÜK is being weaponised by the governing parties to silence legitimate criticism and provide them with an unfair advantage in the May 2023 elections.”