European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

Articles by European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

EU’s 2023 Rule of Law Report highlights threats to safety of journalists

The fourth Rule of Law report makes specific recommendations to 19 individual EU member states, urging them to take measures to protect journalists, media freedom and pluralism.

EU Council adopts watered-down position on anti-SLAPP directive

“It is far too restrictive to have a meaningful impact. Very few cases fall within the scope of what the council is proposing. Member States’ public commitments are not being translated into concrete action when it comes to providing a favourable environment for journalists” – EFJ

Several journalists attacked amidst Serb protests in northern Kosovo

Tensions in the region have escalated after municipal elections – boycotted by the Serbian minority – brought to power ethnically Albanian mayors in three towns.

Turkey: Broadcast regulator must stop punishing critical reporting ahead of elections

“Instead of upholding freedom of expression and media pluralism in the country, RTÜK is being weaponised by the governing parties to silence legitimate criticism and provide them with an unfair advantage in the May 2023 elections.”

Italy: Thorough investigation required after arson attack on car of journalist Rossella Puccio

CCTV footage showed a man approach Puccio’s empty vehicle, pour a flammable liquid over it and set it on fire. This is not the first time that the journalist has been targeted.

Immediate action needed to improve the media situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Media groups have put forth recommendations on a number of concerning issues, such as the problems plaguing the public broadcast service, the proposed criminalisation of defamation and journalists’ safety.

Albania: Swift justice needed following deadly attack on ‘Top Channel’

A security guard was shot dead by unknown assailants on the premises of the leading national TV station ‘Top Channel’, where he was stationed in a booth outside the building​​.

Letter to the Swedish Presidency: Anti-SLAPP compromise proposal raises serious concerns

The Swedish Presidency’s draft compromise proposal is self-defeating, runs contrary to the purpose of the anti-SLAPP Directive and undermines its spirit. It fails to meet the expectations of the European Parliament.