Articles by Foro de Periodismo Argentino

Leading press freedom group and IFEX member should be granted access to UN bodies
Civil society groups ask ECOSOC to reconsider granting valued press freedom group and IFEX member, The Committee to Protect Journalists, consultative status at the UN.

Malaysian MPs should reject restrictive amendments to internet and communications law
IFEX members and regional partners urge Malaysian MPs to ensure media laws are in line with international standards on online freedom of expression and access to information.

Groups condemn Ecuadorian authorities’ plan to close local organization Fundamedios
For members of the IFEX-ALC, the Secom decision to shut down Fundamedios will affect the free expression landscape in Ecuador and threatens the right of society to be informed. Fundamedios is the only organisation that monitors attacks and threats on the media and defends the right to freedom of expression in Ecuador.

UN Security Council must press for an end to attacks against media in Yemen
IFEX members urge the UN Security Council to ensure the protection of journalists in Yemen in light of historic resolution.

Ahead of cartoonist’s trial, NGOs call on Malaysian government to drop charges
Charged under the Sedition Act in Malaysia, internationally known political cartoonist Zunar could face 43 years in jail for a tweet.

Not in our name: World Press Freedom Day 116 days after Charlie Hebdo
On World Press Freedom Day, organisations from around the globe commit to defending the right to freedom of expression, even when that right is being used to express views that may be offensive.

Jordanian proposal threatens to legitimise blasphemy laws around the world
ARTICLE 19 and NGOs around the globe urge the Inter-Parliamentary Union to reject Jordan’s proposed resolution, which could potentially legitimise the use of blasphemy laws by governments everywhere.

NGOs to Bashar al-Assad: Implement your amnesty decree and free Syrian activist Mazen Darwish
The International Press Institute and 23 IFEX members sent a letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad calling for the release of lawyer and human rights defender Mazen Darwish ahead of his court hearing on 25 March 2015.