Articles by Freedom House

China: Cyberspace crackdowns, “People’s Daily” recall, Uyghur phone monitoring
The latest China Media Bulletin of Freedom House featured reports on censorship, surveillance, and interrogation of Uyghurs.

Guatemala: No press freedom, no democracy
We call on authorities to respect and protect freedom of expression and freedom of the press as necessary conditions to guarantee democracy and the legitimacy of the electoral process.

More governments engaging in more acts of transnational repression
A new report by Freedom House finds that 20 governments committed 79 incidents of physical transnational repression in 2022, with Djibouti and Bangladesh emerging as perpetrator states for the first time.

Censorship updates in China: Chatbot, foreign correspondents, Weibo manipulation
Freedom House monitored an uptick in censorship within China during the annual National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

New report: Global freedom declines for the 17th consecutive year
“Infringement on freedom of expression has long been a key driver of global democratic decline. Over the last 17 years, the number of countries and territories that receive a score of 0 out of 4 on the report’s media freedom indicator has ballooned from 14 to 33” – Freedom House

Beijing’s censors could shape the future of AI-generated content
AI-driven tools are used widely inside the country for politicized content monitoring, censorship, and public surveillance.

Iran: International community urged to strengthen support for protesters
Over 480 global voices join forces to support Iranians fighting for freedom and democracy.

Amid rising digital repression, Costa Rica serves as a model
Following the 12th consecutive year of declining internet freedom, it is more important than ever that lawmakers around the world look to model defenders of people’s rights online. One place to look: CostaRica.