Index on Censorship

Articles by Index on Censorship

Link to: Bahrain cancels investigative visit of UN special rapporteur on torture

Bahrain cancels investigative visit of UN special rapporteur on torture

The UN special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, said in a release that Bahraini officials claimed that his trip could potentially endanger the success of the country’s National Dialogue, which began earlier this year.

Link to: Free speech in post-Gaddafi Libya

Free speech in post-Gaddafi Libya

After the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has seen a flourishing of new media outlets and NGOs. But two years on, the country still faces challenges to free expression, says Ghazi Gheblawi.

Internet users in 2010 as a percentage of a country's population, Wikipedia/International Telecommunications Union

Quality of information overlooked in rush to spread digital access

With more than four billion people yet to come online around the world, basic connectivity is a necessary prerequisite for digital access. However, doling out laptops and ethernet cables without also spreading the Internet’s core values of freedom and openness can inadvertently harm newly connected users and the wider web.

T-shirt with a Pussy Riot icon by artist Artyom Loskutov, Facebook/Free Pussy Riot England

Criminal prosecution of Russian artists casts chill on expression

In the past few years, the criminal prosecution of artists in Russia and new laws have made it clear that those who criticise the Kremlin or the Russian Orthodox Church in their creative work will face consequences.

Ashvin Kumar shooting in the Doon School, India for his film "Dazed in Doon" (2010), Max Fullerton/Wikipedia

Award-winning filmmaker faces off against India’s Censor Board

Despite making two award-winning documentaries, filmmaker Ashvin Kumar has faced difficulty having his films shown on Indian TV.

Link to: An interview with one of Gaza’s banned journalists

An interview with one of Gaza’s banned journalists

Index on Censorship conducted an interview with a Gazan journalist who was affected by Hamas’s ban on Palestinian journalists working with Israeli media.

Protesters gather outside of the Partido Popular headquarters in Madrid, 9 April 2013., Rodrigo Garcia/Demotix

Police in the plaza: Repression of public protests in Spain

The international economic crisis led to widespread demonstrations that changed the face of citizen protest in Spain. But now there is a move to criminalise one of the most powerful movements in recent years.

Protesters gather outside of the Partido Popular headquarters in Madrid, 9 April 2013., Rodrigo Garcia/Demotix

Police in the plaza: Repression of public protests in Spain

The international economic crisis led to widespread demonstrations that changed the face of citizen protest in Spain. But now there is a move to criminalise one of the most powerful movements in recent years.