Articles by Index on Censorship

International media and press freedom organisations demand radical reform of media
International media and press freedom organisations have issued a report entitled “For Free and Fair Media in Belarus”.

Nine IFEX members call for reforms and the removal of restrictions on the media in the Republic of Belarus
A group of international media and press freedom organisations has called upon the Belarus authorities to bring the country’s media environment into accordance with international standards.

Burma Action Group urges UN General Assembly, ASEAN to appeal for release of political prisoners and to call for an end to human rights abuses
The Burma Action Group welcomed the recent prisoners’ release while urging caution in considering this an indicator of an improved human rights situation.

Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Museveni to lift the ban on the four radio stations and address the state of free expression
Condemning the shut-down of four radio stations and a violent crackdown on members of the press during a period recent social unrest, 31 IFEX members call on President Museveni to guard free expression rights.

Twenty-one organisations, including fifteen IFEX members, condemn guilty verdict, extended detention for Aung San Suu Kyi
(SEAPA/IFEX) – The Burma Action Group, comprising 21 organisations that are members and partners of the International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX), condemns the guilty verdict and 18-month extended house arrest meted out to Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on 11 August 2009. We join the international community in rejecting this judgment, and […]

One hundred prominent journalists call for release of Maziar Bahari
More than 100 prominent journalists from 47 countries sent a petition to the Iranian government calling for the immediate release of Maziar Bahari, “Newsweek”‘s Tehran correspondent, who has been held without charge since June 21.

Forty-five IFEX members call for release of journalist Chief Ebrimah Manneh
Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Forty-five IFEX members signed on to the following statement, calling on The Gambian government to enforce an ECOWAS court judgement of the journalist’s case.

Thirty IFEX members call on governments to respect fundamental human rights of free expression and privacy of communications
Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Thirty IFEX members signed on to a resolution on the surveillance of communications and the fundamental right to protection of journalistic sources.