Institute of Mass Information (IMI)

Articles by Institute of Mass Information (IMI)

Adil Soz

Twenty-seven IFEX members call for investigation into brutal attacks on journalists

Twenty-seven IFEX members appeal for end to impunity in recent brutal attacks on journalists in Kazakhstan, including near-fatal attack on Luqpan Akhmedyarov in April.

Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja

Fifty rights groups call on King to free Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk in prison

Fifty IFEX members and other rights groups call on the Bahrain authorities to release from prison human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk since beginning a hunger strike on 8 February.

Link to: Twenty-nine IFEX members call for release of independent newspaper editor

Twenty-nine IFEX members call for release of independent newspaper editor

Twenty-nine IFEX members have signed a letter to the Prosecutor General about the detention of editor Igor Vinyavsky, whose detention is believed to be politically motivated, calling for him to be released and for the evidence leading to his arrest to be made public.

Link to: Newspaper photographer murdered in Kiev

Newspaper photographer murdered in Kiev

Although a criminal investigation into the case has been opened, a spokesperson for Vitaly Rozwadowskiy’s newspaper, “2000”, says the paper does connect Rozwadowskiy’s murder to his work.

Link to: Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development

Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development

Prior to the UN summit of world leaders in Rio in June 2012 (Rio+20) to discuss the environment and sustainable development goals, 77 civil society organisations recommend the adoption of national laws on access to information, public participation and access to justice in the environment, a new UN convention on access to environmental information, and a UN Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Link to: Opposition TV channel disappears from the airwaves

Opposition TV channel disappears from the airwaves

Employees of Krug, the only opposition channel in Odessa, suspect that municipal authorities are using technical issues an an excuse to prevent them from broadcasting.

Link to: Unidentified assailant shoots journalist in Mykolayiv

Unidentified assailant shoots journalist in Mykolayiv

The editor -in-chief of the newspaper where Oleksandr Vlashenko works said the attack may be linked to the journalist’s reporting on corruption involving local authorities.

Link to: Draft law proposes closure of media outlets for broadcast of violent images

Draft law proposes closure of media outlets for broadcast of violent images

IMI is concerned that the vagueness of the bill’s wording could result in increased pressure on the independent media.