Institute of Mass Information (IMI)

Articles by Institute of Mass Information (IMI)

Link to: Journalist ordered to compensate member of parliament

Journalist ordered to compensate member of parliament

Channel 5 journalist Olga Snisarchuk was ordered to pay US$2,500 to a member of parliament after referring to him as a “defector” in a news story.

Link to: Twenty-eight IFEX members voice concern about journalists’ safety in the lead up to the elections

Twenty-eight IFEX members voice concern about journalists’ safety in the lead up to the elections

With increased reports of killings, beating, assaults and threats to journalists, the space under which media exercise their fundamental rights and freedoms is increasingly being narrowed.

Link to: Twenty-four IFEX members express concern about proposed law that threatens media freedom

Twenty-four IFEX members express concern about proposed law that threatens media freedom

In an open letter to the president of the legislative assembly, 24 IFEX members express concern over two articles in the proposed Law against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination.

Link to: Thirty-three IFEX members condemn excessive prison sentence handed down to blogger Hossein Derakhshan

Thirty-three IFEX members condemn excessive prison sentence handed down to blogger Hossein Derakhshan

IFEX members condemned the 19-and-a-half-year prison sentence given to the Canadian-Iranian blogger and called for his immediate release.

Link to: Journalist suffers savage beating in Donetsk

Journalist suffers savage beating in Donetsk

Artem Furmanyuk said he does not discount the possibility that the brutal assault was an act of provocation linked to his work.

Link to: Joint statement on the 10th anniversary of journalist Gyorgy Gongadze’s death

Joint statement on the 10th anniversary of journalist Gyorgy Gongadze’s death

On this occasion, IMI and IFJ once again called on the Ukrainian authorities to seriously investigate those who ordered the killing.

Link to: Journalist beaten after being refused entrance to press conference

Journalist beaten after being refused entrance to press conference

After asking the local mayor a question, Dementiy Biliy “was pushed by two big guys” who started beating him.

Link to: Newspaper lawyer alleges police planted drugs in his apartment

Newspaper lawyer alleges police planted drugs in his apartment

The police forced their way into lawyer Vyacheslav Ismaylov’s apartment, claiming they were investigating a criminal case.