Articles by Inter American Press Association

IAPA protests government’s inaction on journalist’s murder
The IAPA has protested against the government’s foot-dragging and silence concerning the investigation into the murder of journalist Víctor Manuel Oropeza.

IAPA condemns murder of two more journalists, calls for investigation
IAPA has condemned the assassinations of journalists Ernesto Montañez Valdivia and Martín Javier Miranda Avilés, in the states of Chihuahua and Michoacán.

Respect press freedom, IAPA again urges Honduras
IAPA has repeated its call for respect for press freedom after compiling complaints from news media and journalists saying that they are still restricted and attacked.

IAPA urges action on unpunished murder of journalist
IAPA has called on newspaper readers to sign a letter to Colombia’s president urging him to take action against those guilty of the murder of journalist Flavio Iván Bedoya Sarriá.

Journalists and media attacked, threatened in wake of coup d’état
IAPA condemns limitations placed on news media and journalists following the ousting of President Manuel Zelaya.

IAPA criticises shutdown of radio station
IAPA has criticised the shutdown of a radio station just as it was about to initiate broadcasting and claimed excessive force was used in the confiscation of its equipment.

IAPA hails repeal of university degree requirement in Brazil, welcomes Mexico Supreme Court decision to overturn special safeguards for public officials
IAPA welcomes both Brazil’s elimination of the requirement to have a university degree to practice journalism and a decision by the Mexico Supreme Court.

UNESCO urged to continue defending freedom of expression worldwide
Five IFEX members and one other organisation ask UNESCO to continue acting as a defender and champion of freedom of expression worldwide.