Inter American Press Association

Articles by Inter American Press Association

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Family members of murdered journalist to be addressed in “public act of recognition”

IAPA President María Elvira Domínguez said, “We are pleased that after so many years of seeking justice in the case of Nelson [Carvajal] and his family members we will be witnesses and part of a ceremony in which there will be recognized the need to obtain justice for cases such as this one not to occur again.”

The president of La Prensa Editorial Group holds an edition of "La Prensa", which on 18 January 2019 published its cover in blank in protest against the refusal by the DGA to hand over imported paper and ink, in Managua, Nicaragua, 18 January 2019, INTI OCON/AFP/Getty Images

Nicaraguan government withholds delivery of supplies to two newspapers

IAPA condemned the administrative censorship imposed by the Nicaraguan government on La Prensa and El Nuevo Diario, by withholding the delivery of supplies for the publication of the two newspapers.

A sign in Spanish saying "140 journalists murdered in MX" is seen on a section of the US/Mexico border fence in Tijuana, Baja California State, Mexico, 14 May 2018, GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images

IAPA 2018 review: Highs and lows of press freedom in the Americas

The president of the IAPA declared that advances in legal and digital issues were overshadowed by the murders of 31 journalists and media workers, the imprisonment of five others, and by the constant attacks on individual and social liberties in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

A photojournalist wades through a cloud of tear gas as opposition activists demonstrate against the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, 26 June 2017, FEDERICO PARRA/AFP/Getty Images

Attacks and threats against journalists on the increase in the Americas, IAPA concludes

So far this year 30 journalists have been murdered in the region, 20 of them since the IAPA’s last meeting in April 2018.

A Colombian indigenous man listens to the radio in Santander de Quilichao, in Valle del Cauca department, 22 October 2008, RODRIGO ARANGUA/AFP/Getty Images

IAPA denounces murder of broadcast journalist Valentín Rúa Tezada

His colleagues said that he had been working for 15 years at the radio station and that he was dedicated to disseminating community issues and the needs of the local population. It is not known if he had received death threats.


Nicaragua is burning: Journalist among those killed following repression of protests

In a week full of tense confrontations between protesters and police, there were several acts of violence against journalists, including the deplorable murder of reporter Ángel Gahona.

A man reads a newspaper with a headline referring to the murder of journalist Leobardo Vázquez Atzin, in Papantla municipality, Veracruz state, Mexico, 22 March 2018, VICTORIA RAZO/AFP/Getty Images

Leobardo Vázquez Atzin is third journalist to be killed in Mexico this year

Leobardo Vázquez Atkin’s colleagues said that he had planned to ask for protection due to threats received following the publication of criticisms of a notary public and former municipal authorities.

Teddy Dan, a Rastafarian artist and musician originally from Jamaica, shows a music video in which he is performing, in Shashamene, Ethopia, 26 January 2017 , Carl Court/Getty Images

Jamaican legislators called on to safeguard news media in data protection bill

Legislation in Jamaica aimed at protecting personal data should safeguard media from having to reveal confidential news sources and other proprietary information, the IAPA said.