International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)

Cyprus: Proposed legislative amendment to criminalise ‘fake news’

The proposed amendment, which criminalises “fake news” and carries penalties of up to five years in prison, risks stifling independent journalism and encouraging self-censorship.

Agba Jalingo acquitted of cybercrime charges

Nigerian authorities continue to criminalise journalism through the unwarranted use of the 2015 Cybercrimes Act.

Mexico: IPI condemns killing of journalist Víctor Alonso Morales Culebro

International civil society organization Article 19, which reported his death, believes recent articles by Morales Culebro could have put him at risk.

EU must do more to prioritise protecting media freedom and human rights in Türkiye

Media freedom, human rights and journalists’ groups urge European governments and policy makers to ensure media freedoms and fundamental rights are placed at the heart of future relations with Türkiye.

India: IPI calls for renewed commitment to press freedom

IPI global network noted that press freedom has deteriorated dramatically under the first two terms of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

IPI calls on states to protect environmental and climate journalism

“We call on states around the world to ensure that climate and environmental journalists can do their work independently, freely, and safely. This includes ensuring environmental journalists are granted access to information and access to protected areas.” – IPI

IPI calls for stronger safeguards to prevent misuse of spyware against journalists

IPI calls for an end to the use of spyware against journalists in Europe, following revelations that seven more Russian and Belarusian journalists and activists in exile in Europe were targeted by Pegasus spyware.