Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Articles by Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Nigerian journalists released on bail

‘Wikkitimes’ journalists Haruna Mohammed and Idris Kamal are arbitrarily arrested, after a politician files a complaint against the newspaper.

MFWA and partners launch media support programme in Guinea-Bissau

A newly launched project seeks to strengthen the capacity of media actors in Guinea-Bissau to monitor and document violations of media and freedom of expression rights.

#AriseGhana protest turns violent

The violent confrontation between overzealous protesters and an equally heavy-handed police mars the first day of #AriseGhana protest in Accra.

Sierra Leone parliament investigates attack on journalist

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists engages the Clerk of Parliament over the assault on journalist Abdulai Gbla by a member of parliament.

Guinean journalist Ahmed Camara assaulted live on air

Public prosecutor orders arrest of Guinean politician Aboubacar Soumah for assaulting show host Ahmed Camara during live broadcast interview.

Leader of Senegal’s ruling party apologises to journalist

Asking a question at a press conference convened by Senegal’s ruling party Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY) results in journalist Ndeye Ngoné Diop being heckled and harassed by party supporters.

The growing SLAPP in the face of Nigeria’s press freedom

Authorities and influential people in Nigeria are using SLAPPs – Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation – as a weapon to censor and intimidate journalists into silence.

Nigerian journalist shot during anti-police brutality protest

Osun State’s police commissioner launches investigation into shooting of journalist Toba Adedeji, which took place when police opened fire on protestors in southwestern Nigeria.