Articles by Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

West Africa: 30 media workers arrested in 38 days
The 30 victims, made up of 15 journalists and 15 media technicians, were arrested, detained and/or assaulted in 10 separate incidents in four countries namely Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea and Togo

Journalists detained for reporting on mutiny released after 48 hours
The six journalists still face charges of “undermining state security and inciting soldiers to acts of insubordination and rebellion.”

A message to Africa on World Radio Day
On World Radio Day, members of the African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX) send an audio message calling on governments in the region to ensure that radio operates freely and independently.

How radio transformed a listener
Visually-impaired Ibrahim Tafali Lukuman did not know it, but turning the dial to one of his favourite radio shows would change his life one day.

Hope for The Gambia and Nigerian media under siege
While Gambia gives us one of the most hopeful stories of the year, Nigerian media feel the wrath of authorities: West Africa round-up.

Australia: Free expression detained?
25 IFEX members question Australia’s detention of dissident journalists, cartoonists and actors at Manus Island.

Gambia’s new president urged to release political prisoners, protect free speech
Mindful of the repressive freedom of expression conditions in The Gambia under the rule of Yahya Jammeh, the MFWA calls on President Barrow to undertake reforms that will promote and defend the rights of the Gambian people to freely express themselves.

Benin’s communications authority allows radio, TV outlets back on air
Three of seven privately-owned broadcasters shut down in Benin last November have been permitted to resume operations. The outlets involved are Soleil FM, Eden TV and E-Télé.