Articles by Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Impunity persists: 20 years of fear in The Gambia
It’s been 20 years since Lieutenant Yahya Jammeh overthrew the Gambian government and proclaimed himself President of the Republic. Some of the human rights violations recorded over the last 20 years include the killing of 14 protesters in April 2000 and the killing of journalist Deyda Hydara in 2004.

Radio stations in Ghana give less attention to local governance, development issues
“The findings are worrying and we need to change this situation…local radio stations are arguably the most influential and powerful platforms for fostering participatory, accountable and transparent governance, particularly at the local level.”

In Ghana, security forces harass journalists, seize reporting equipment
Even before the end of the first quarter of 2014, the MFWA’s Freedom of Expression and safety of journalists monitoring shows that four cases of press freedom violations have been committed by members of the security agencies.

Protecting freedom of expression for LGBT people
Making a statement during International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO-T).

African Commission adopts resolution on media attacks in Somalia
In the resolution, the ACHPR “strongly condemns the serious violations of the right to life committed against journalists and media practitioners” and appeals for “the immediate cessation of harassment and intimidation aimed at independent media organisations” in Somalia.

African court says Burkina Faso failed to investigate assassination of journalist Norbert Zongo
“The court held that the failure of a government to diligently seek and bring to account the persons responsible for the assassination of a journalist…violates the human rights of journalists, endangers truth and should not be allowed,” the Nigerian-based Guardian newspaper reported.

Gambians experience interruptions in use of mobile chat applications
Less than a year after The Gambia passed a stiff information and communication law to stifle freedom of expression online, Gambians are reportedly experiencing interruptions while using mobile chat applications like Viber.

27-year jail sentence for Somali journalist in Ethiopia a “travesty of justice”
The African Freedom of Expression Exchange condemns the 27-year sentence imposed on Mohamed Aweys Mudey and notes that the Ethiopian media environment is characterized by the arrest of journalists.