Media Rights Agenda (MRA)

Articles by Media Rights Agenda (MRA)

Nigerian journalist sues politician and police

Nigerian journalist Samuel Ayodele pushes back against his alleged unlawful harassment and detention by seeking legal recourse.

Nigeria’s broadcasting regulator withdraws 52 broadcasting licences

The decision, which MRA describes as “ill-advised, insensitive and antithetical to the interests of the Nigerian public” will seriously compromise citizens’ access to information.

Nigeria’s broadcasting regulator imposes punitive fine on television station and pay tv stations

Nigeria’s National Broadcasting Authority (NBA) is castigated by Media Rights Agenda for imposing hefty fines on a local television station and 3 pay tv platforms, for airing documentaries on banditry.

MRA sues NITDA for failure to provide critical information

Media Rights Agenda is suing Nigeria’s National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) for failing to provide details of the regulatory framework it is developing for online platforms on the instructions of President Buhari.

MRA accuses police of being used by powerful interest groups to harass media

Media Rights Agenda is asking Nigeria’s federal government to check its law enforcement agency, as it is in danger of becoming the tool of the rich and powerful who are intent on harassing the media.

Nigeria’s proposed government regulation an affront to media rights

Under the veil of protecting the public online, Nigeria’s proposed code for digital platforms seen as an attempt to illegally regulate social media, says Media Rights Agenda.

MRA accuses Nigerian authorities of encouraging attacks on journalists by failing to act

As Nigeria’s media freedom environment continues to decline, Media Rights Agenda (MRA) accuses the Federal Government of failing in its duty to protect journalists.

Private company that receives public funds is subject to the FOI Act

Nigeria’s Appeals Court upholds a Federal High Court ruling, which states that private companies are also subject to the FOI Act.