Articles by Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)
Thirty-one IFEX members and 24 other organisations condemn harsh crackdown on press freedom
While calling on the Moroccan government to stop the current crackdown against press freedom, 31 IFEX members and others condemn the recent arrests and harassment of journalists and independent press.
Twenty-three IFEX members and other organisations raise concerns about proposed mechanisms to combat racial intolerance
23 IFEX members and other organisations call for the defeat of proposed legal mechanisms and say that attempts to address racial or religious hatred should conform to standards of international law.
Israeli soldiers disguised as photojournalists endanger journalists’ lives, says MADA
Israeli forces dressed as photojournalists arrested a number of people during recent protests in Jerusalem.
Violations of media freedoms in Palestine during September 2009
(MADA/IFEX) – September 2009 witnessed renewed violations of media freedoms in the occupied Palestinian territories, where Israeli forces continued to target journalists who cover demonstrations against the construction of the separation wall and settlement expansion.
MADA welcomes UN resolution on journalists in armed conflict, slams delay of Goldstone Report
MADA hopes the resolution will protect Palestinian journalists who must live with the reality of armed conflict.
Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Museveni to lift the ban on the four radio stations and address the state of free expression
Condemning the shut-down of four radio stations and a violent crackdown on members of the press during a period recent social unrest, 31 IFEX members call on President Museveni to guard free expression rights.
Israeli soldiers seize radio station’s equipment
Radio Bethlehem 2000 went off the air after Israeli soldiers confiscated its broadcasting equipment.
MADA responds to Gaza Information Ministry statement
According to MADA, an Information Ministry statement contained unfounded charges against the organisation.