Articles by World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers

International rights groups condemn attack on Afghan media community
IFEX joins in global solidarity with the victims of the Tolo TV attack and all Afghan journalists and media workers

NGOs to Morocco: Drop charges against journalist Ali Anouzla once and for all
As one of the most respected Arab journalists in the region, Ali Anouzla’s publications are renowned for their unequivocally pro-democracy editorial line that translates into a critical yet fair treatment of the real power holders in Morocco.

RSF launches international appeal for release of Cumhuriyet journalists
“The judicial system seems to prosecute journalists more often than the accomplices of Daesh (Islamic State). Turkey is a great country, with democratic institutions and a very open civil society. We appeal to the government, as a matter of honour, to restore all the conditions of pluralism, starting with freedom for journalists.”

International delegation calls on president to address media freedom concerns
The International Partnership Mission to Indonesia travelled to the country to meet with journalists, government and civil society representatives to review the media environment one year on since its first visit in December 2014. Significantly, it also conducted a fact-finding visit to Papua.

International community calls for the release of VICE fixer Mohammed Ismael Rasool
Members of the IFEX network and other concerned organisations demand justice for wrongful imprisonment of Mohammed Ismael Rasaool

“Iconoclastic” news site facing censorship in Sri Lanka
Eight international freedom of expression groups have called for an investigation into the illegal blocking of online access to the “Colombo Telegraph”.

New research: 11-point plan for protecting journalism sources in the digital age
Acts of journalism should be shielded from targeted surveillance, data retention and handover of material connected to confidential sources. That’s a key early finding of a study on the state of journalistic source protection in 121 countries undertaken for UNESCO by the World Editors Forum (within WAN-IFRA).

Golden Pen of Freedom awarded to journalists killed in the line of duty
This year’s award aims to send a powerful message to the perpetrators of crimes against the media, and those with the power to enact better laws and enforce stronger protections for newsgatherers.