(PFC/IFEX) – On 22 October 2002, Tirso Moreno stormed into the offices of the daily “La Prensa”, fired two handguns pistols, threatened to kill several editors and shouted several threatening statements, including “This place is going to be a blood bath.” Moreno is a former member of the now defunct counter-revolutionary Resistencia Nicaragüense (Contras), that […]
(PFC/IFEX) – On 22 October 2002, Tirso Moreno stormed into the offices of the daily “La Prensa”, fired two handguns pistols, threatened to kill several editors and shouted several threatening statements, including “This place is going to be a blood bath.” Moreno is a former member of the now defunct counter-revolutionary Resistencia Nicaragüense (Contras), that fought against the Sadinistas in the 1980s. No one was injured in the incident and after a few hours, Moreno gave himself up to police.
Newspaper directors and heads of other media outlets have expressed concern over what may occur in the coming weeks, as former president Arnoldo Alemán’s future is decided by Parliament. Alemán has been accused of several corruption crimes and could be disbarred.
Moreno and other former members of the Contras who support Alemán have criticised the media for their role in exposing the corruption cases involving the former president, his family members and members of his cabinet. In a generalised threat addressed to all media, the former Contras have warned that “worse things could happen.” On 24 October, “La Prensa” reported that a former Contras commander stated he, “would ask President Enrique Bolaños to free Tirso Moreno (â¦) since he has a ‘very large’ organisation in RÃo Blanco, made up of former militia members and other individuals who could help him take action at a moment’s notice.”
Member of Parliament Noel Pereira Majano, a supporter of Alemán, said that the “La Prensa” incident was a result of the lack of truthful information in the media and warned that it was a “glimmer” of what could happen in Nicaragua if Alemán is imprisoned.
PFC suspects that these threats may be part of a premeditated plan by individuals close to the former president who feel the weight of justice pressing upon their former leader. Threats issued by the former Contras and Alemán’s supporters affect not only the media, but also the country’s stability.
For further information on the attack against “La Prensa” and a summary of the situation faced over the last 18 months by journalists who attempt to fight corruption, see: http://portal-pfc.org/perseguidos/2002/091.html
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
– expressing concern over the threats and attacks directed against journalists and media outlets
– urging them to investigate groups that have issued threats, in particular Alemán’s supporters
– calling on them to set an example by punishing those involved in attacks against the press, such as Moreno, thus providing a disincentive for those who may be planning further attacks
– urging them to provide protection for journalists and media outlets, thereby preventing future attacks
Appeals To
Ing. Enrique Bolaños
President of the Republic of Nicaragua
E-mail: Presidente@presidencia.gob.ni
BenjamÃn Pérez
Human Rights Prosecutor
República de Nicaragua
E-mail: procurador-personal@pddh.org
Fax: +505 266 4141
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.