Palestinian student Bara Alqadi was kidnapped on 2 April 2015 and beaten by four masked and unknown men. He had previously been receiving death threats because of articles he had written and comments he had made on Facebook.
This statement was published on on 3 April 2015.
On the evening of the 2 April 2015 in Ramallah, Bara Alqadi, a 22-year-old media student and the president of the media club at Birzeit University, was kidnapped and beaten by four masked and unknown men.
Alqadi reported to the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedom (MADA) saying, “at around 7pm, my sister and I left a restaurant in Ramallah’s Altahta area, when four masked men attacked us and started beating us, they left my sister alone, covered my eyes and kidnapped me to a different area where they continued to beat me with their feet kicking my hands, head, and legs, I was left there alone.”
Alqadi also reported that he was unable to identify his attackers because they had covered their faces and blindfolded him. Their voices, he said, were also unfamiliar. He mentioned that, earlier on, he received two anonymous phone calls from Israeli numbers with threats of attack, kidnapping, and murder, and that it happened after he posted an ironic criticism of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Alqadi was treated at Ramallah hospital and his medical examination showed bruises on different parts of his body. He was previously detained by Palestinian security services in September 2014 and December 2015 for certain press reports he wrote and for comments he made on his Facebook profile.
MADA expresses deep concern from this dangerous violation, and we demand that the Palestinian police force find the perpetrators and bring them to justice.