(PERIODISTAS/IFEX) – In an 8 March 2004 press release, PERIODISTAS rejected attempts by former Peruvian media outlet owners who were linked to former dictator Alberto Fujimori to use the principles of press freedom and freedom of expression to avoid extradition from Argentina. Under Fujimori’s regime, Ernesto Schutz, José Francisco Crousillat and José Crousillat handed over […]
(PERIODISTAS/IFEX) – In an 8 March 2004 press release, PERIODISTAS rejected attempts by former Peruvian media outlet owners who were linked to former dictator Alberto Fujimori to use the principles of press freedom and freedom of expression to avoid extradition from Argentina.
Under Fujimori’s regime, Ernesto Schutz, José Francisco Crousillat and José Crousillat handed over control of television news programming to the government in exchange for illegal payments. The arrangement also called for censorship of certain journalists.
Evidence of the transactions was caught on video by the person who bribed the media outlet owners, Fujimori advisor Vladimiro Montesinos. Montesinos is currently serving a prison term for embezzlement, misappropriating funds and defaming Peruvian journalists.
Between 1998 and 2000, the Crousillats, who owned Canal 4 television station, were filmed three times receiving money and discussing who they should promote or silence in the station’s broadcasts. Schutz was filmed on 10 November 1999, as Montesinos piled money on a table. In their extradition file, which is before a federal court in Buenos Aires, Schutz and the Crousillats claim they are victims of political persecution and an attack on press freedom.
“Shutz and the Crousillats should face justice in Peru for the crimes of embezzlement and illegal partnerships, offences having nothing to do with freedom of expression, which they tried to restrict in collaboration with a dictatorial government,” PERIODISTAS said. “PERIODISTAS will testify before the courts that these collaborators of Peru’s fugitive former president are not victims, but rather the perpetrators of persecution against the independent press.”