(PFC/IFEX) – Journalists Carlos Peláez and Monica Robaina are being harassed by Maldonado government officials belonging to the National Party (Partido Nacional). The journalists host the “Cable to Earth” (“Cable a tierra”) programme, broadcast on Láser FM radio station, in Maldonado department. Mayor Guillermo Ipharraguerre, legislature member Ambrosio RodrÃguez and businessmen Francisco Giménez and Aram […]
(PFC/IFEX) – Journalists Carlos Peláez and Monica Robaina are being harassed by Maldonado government officials belonging to the National Party (Partido Nacional). The journalists host the “Cable to Earth” (“Cable a tierra”) programme, broadcast on Láser FM radio station, in Maldonado department.
Mayor Guillermo Ipharraguerre, legislature member Ambrosio RodrÃguez and businessmen Francisco Giménez and Aram Rupenian have asked the Communications Services Regulatory Unit (Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones, URSEC) for copies of the “Cable to Earth” broadcasts. Over the past six months, the individuals in question have requested more than sixty hours of recordings, under Law 16.099, known as the “Press Law”.
In one of the most recent of the increasingly frequent requests, Mayor Ipharraguerre argued that “the statements and version of events broadcast on the programme are insulting to the National Party (â¦) hinder its normal operations and prejudice the institutions that form the party, the party’s representatives, their families, and their human dignity.”
The requests for the recordings make reference to the Press Law and to Article 3 of Law 14.670, a vestige of the military dictatorship. The article stipulates that “private broadcasters will be held responsible in the following cases: (â¦) When the broadcasts, while not constituting a crime, could disturb the peace, weaken morals and good customs, compromise public security or the public interest, or affect the Republic’s image and prestige.”
Legislature member Ambrosio RodrÃguez and Councillor Enrique AntÃa have also reportedly targeted Peláez and Robaina in a number of meetings. The weekly “Brecha” reports that RobaÃna may have been fired by the newspaper “El PaÃs”, where she was a reporter until November 2002, due to pressure from Maldonado’s municipal authorities. Then municipal communications secretary Jorge Méndez allegedly offered Robaina’s job to a number of local journalists while she was still working for the newspaper.
Peláez and Robaina told PFC that “the intensification of the harassment could be retaliation for [their] reports about the recent assignment of National Party members to positions in the municipality.”
In a letter to President Jorge Batlle, PFC urged him to ensure that the Maldonado municipal authorities cease harassing Peláez and Robaina. The president was also asked to promote changes to Uruguay’s laws concerning free expression.
For this alert, PFC’s letter to President Batlle, reports and other information on the case, see:
Recommended Action
Send appeals to President Batlle:
– asking him to condemn the Maldonado authorities and see to it that they cease harassing journalists Peláez and Robaina
– urging him to promote reforms in legislation affecting free expression, in order to stop the justification, under laws 16.099 and 14.670, for the harassment of journalists and others exercising their right to free expression
Appeals To
Dr. Jorge Batlle
President of the Republic
Oriental del Uruguay
Casa de Gobierno – Edificio Libertad
Av. Luis Alberto Herrera n° 3.350
Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel: +598 2 487 7239
Fax: +598 2 203 0340
E-mail: presidente@presidencia.gub.uy
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.