Several assailants fired 28 shots at journalist Edin Rodelmiro Maaz Bol's home in Cobán.
(CERIGUA/IFEX) – On the morning of 26 August 2010, several assailants fired shots at the home of journalist Edin Rodelmiro Maaz Bol, located in the city of Cobán, Alta Verpaz. The shots damaged the front door and a vehicle that was outside the house.
Maaz Bol told CERIGUA that there were 28 bullet holes in his house. Officials from the Public Ministry and the Special Division for Criminal Investigations arrived at his house an hour after the shooting to investigate the incident.
This is not the first time that Maaz Bol has been the victim of an attack. In 2008, his house was attacked in a similar incident. The Public Ministry did not investigate the incident or provide him with security.Maaz Bol’s brothers, who are also journalists, have also experienced several attacks in recent years. On 10 September 2006, Eduardo Heriberto Maaz Bol was killed. On 18 August 2009, strangers threw homemade bombs at Félix Waldemar Maaz Bol’s house.
Maaz Bol, who works for the local channel “Video Prensa”, thinks the attack is related to his recent coverage of a court case. He expressed disappointment that the authorities have not shed any light on previous attacks or provided security for him, despite promises to do so. He said he fears for his life and his family’s safety and demanded that the authorities conduct a thorough investigation into the incident.
Ruth del Valle
Comisionada Presidencial de los Derechos Humanos
(Presidential Human Rights Commissioner)
2a Avenida 10-50, zona 9
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: +502 2334 0119
Sergio Morales Alvarado
Procurador de los Derechos Humanos
(Human Rights Ombudsman)
12 Avenida 12-72, zona 1
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: +502 2424 1717
Correo electrónico:
Fiscalía Especial de Delitos contra Periodistas y Sindicalistas
Ministerio Público
(Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Journalists and Labour Union Members)
7a Avenida 11-20 zona 1, segundo nivel
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: +502 2220 6873
Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas Sobre Derechos Humanos para Guatemala
(Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Guatemala)
13 calle 3-40 zona 10, Edifico Atlantils, oficina 803
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: +502 2382 3410
Correo electrónico:
Carlos Menocal
Ministro de Gobernación
(Interior Minister)
6a Avenida 4-64, zona 1
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: +502 2362 0237 / 2339 4474
Correo electrónico:
Director de la Policía Nacional Civil
(Director, National Police)
Dirección General de la Policía Nacional Civil
6a Avenida 13-71, zona 1
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: +502 2238 1474
(Please note this is an abridged translation.)