Social commentator Mayra Benalcázar says that she has been the victim of intimidation tactics since becoming the press coordinator for a former Interior Ministry assistant secretary.
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 10 July 2009, Mayra Benalcázar, a social commentator and human rights activist, said that a vehicle ran into the taxi in which she was travelling with her young son, resulting in minor injuries.
Benalcázar noted that this is one in a series of attacks she has suffered over the past six months since she became the press coordinator for José Ignacio Chauvín, a former Interior Ministry assistant secretary who has been linked to drug traffickers and the Colombian guerrillas.
Benalcázar said that unidentified individuals have entered her flat on two separate occasions. The first incident took place three months ago and the last was on 19 June, when the intruders caused serious damage to the flat and took personal documents and information related to Chauvín’s trial.
All of the incidents have been reported to the appropriate authorities.
FUNDAMEDIOS and IPYS call on the authorities to continue investigating the actions against Benalcázar and to provide her with protection.