This section will help you think about your legal status, your obligations, and the role of your Board of Directors.
All organisations are accountable to someone, whether to the people they serve or the people who give them money. Most organisations have a Board of Directors (or Trustees) to comply with the organisation’s legal requirements, ensure that it meets its obligations, and provide strategic direction to the organisation as a whole. Most organisations have legal status that comes with obligations defined by the laws of the countries where they work. If an organisation’s legal status is ambiguous, it may cause difficulties that need to be addressed. Taken together, these obligations and the processes associated with them form your organisation’s governance.
Use your assessment to determine your next steps. In all cases, you should:
- Discuss the results of this organisational strength map with IFEX. We may be able to connect you with relevant reference materials, external consultants, training opportunities or a skills exchange with another IFEX member.
- Discuss the results with some of your most committed funders who may be able to support some areas of your organisational development.
1. Our organisation has legal status in the country (or countries) where it operates.
2. Our organisation meets its legal obligations, e.g., to file annual reports to governments or funders, to conduct financial audits (if required), to respect relevant employment laws.
3. Our organisation has a functioning Board of Directors that provides effective oversight to the organisation.
4. Our organisation has a policy that governs its Board of Directors, which covers issues such as board composition, required skills, recruitment, length of tenure, diversity, etc.
5. Our Board members receive an orientation to our organisation and their role, and they respect the distinction between staff and Board roles.
If your assessment shows that you have answered mostly “No”
• Make sure you have the relevant, official documentation that proves your organisation’s legal status, in original hard copy and electronic format.
• Develop a mechanism to keep track of legal obligations in your country for organisations with your status and check to see if you are in compliance.
• Make sure that each member of the Board knows and supports the purpose of your organisation, and that the board meets regularly.
• Help all Board members and the whole Board to understand their roles and make productive input into your organisation’s work (e.g., suggest realistic tasks for all Board members according to their competencies, functions and available time; avoid overload, or insufficient work for Board member).
If your assessment shows that you have answered mostly “Somewhat”
• Review the tips under “mostly no” to ensure you have covered the basics.
• Clarify roles and responsibilities for different obligations (e.g., legal, labour, tax) and designate people and financial resources to make sure they are met.
• Share the results of this assessment with consultants in your community who can advise you on targeted ways forward.
If your assessment shows that you have answered mostly “Yes”
• Review the advice under “mostly no” and “mostly somewhat” to ensure that there are no gaps in your planning.
• Identify your organisation’s best practices in this area and record them as policy.
• Keep abreast of changes in employment law, tax and other government policies that might affect your organisation’s obligations.
• Ensure diversity and rotation (term limits, roles) among your Board members.
• Share the results of this assessment with consultants in your community who can advise you on targeted ways forward.
Organisational Strength Map
Use this tool to identify your organisation’s strengths and explore areas for growth and development.
Strategic Planning Toolkit
Build your strategic plan and improve your organisation’s effectiveness with these strategic planning tools and fact sheets. Not sure where to start? Check out the Starting Points page for advice tailored to your situation.
Communications Strategy Toolkit
Effective communications planning will enable you to raise your organisation’s voice on issues that matter.
Financial Sustainability Plan
Ensure that your organisation survives and thrives by strengthening its fiscal framework.
Social Media Strategy
This step-by-step tool will enable you to build an effective social media strategy and engage your online audiences.
Website Optimisation Plan
This 10-step plan will help you improve your website’s impact and usability.