Understanding these key components will assist you in articulating your organisation’s big picture purpose, activities and end goals.

Vision is the highest-level purpose of the organisation. It captures what the world will look like if you are 100% successful in your work. Vision statements typically do not change dramatically over the lifetime of an organisation, unless the organisation undergoes a significant shift in what it does. A vision statement is usually concise so that it can be easily remembered; clear; and inspiring. It should also be challenging—that is, the change you are trying to achieve in the world should be significant enough that it will not be easy to achieve in the short term.
IFEX: Everyone is free to exercise their right to freedom of expression and information without fear and is able to access, generate and share ideas and information in any way they choose.
Association for Progressive Communication: All people have easy and affordable access to a free and open internet to improve their lives and create a more just world.
Mission clearly communicates what your organisation does. It is a summary of your organisation’s purpose, the means you will use to achieve it and the core values that guide your work. It should clearly identify your organisation’s target group—who your organisation primarily serves. It should capture what makes your organisation distinct: what is your organisation’s unique contribution to the change you are trying to create in the world?
IFEX: IFEX is the leading global network that defends and promotes everyone’s right to freedom of expression and information. Our shared commitment is to:
• Engage people in claiming the right;
• Challenge those who violate the right; and
• Foster a broader and deeper understanding of the right to elevate its value in society
As a network, we do this by:
• Seizing opportunities where we can have the most collective and measurable impact;
• Convening creative and innovative spaces for debating and taking action on freedom of expression issues within broader society; and
• Strengthening the impact of our members’ work by facilitating a diversity of opportunities that enhance and apply members’ knowledge, expertise and influence.
Association for Progressive Communications: The Association for Progressive Communications is a global network of civil society organisations whose mission is to empower and support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies to build strategic communities and initiatives for the purpose of making meaningful contributions to equitable human development, social justice, participatory political processes and environmental sustainability.
Values are an articulation of the beliefs and principles that guide your organisation; that are shared and strongly held by your board, staff and members; and that define how the organisation treats people and approaches its work.
IFEX: We recognize and honour our individual member strengths, we are inspired by the power of our collaboration and solidarity. We value the courage and diversity our members bring to the challenges we take on and how we respond.
Association for Progressive Communications:
We value:
• Local initiative and ownership
• Freedom of expression, communications and information
• Open content and open standards
• Free and open source software
• Social equality and gender equality
• Collaboration and partnership
• Inclusiveness and diversity
• Creativity and capacity building
• Democratic, accountable and transparent governance
• ICT solutions that are appropriate and affordable
Theory of change
Theory of change is a description of the types of interventions or strategies that bring about your desired outcomes. Being clear about the process and steps required to reach your desired change allows your organisation to be clear about and to justify the activities it can undertake to bring your vision to life. Your theory of change should be plausible, feasible and testable.
• Plausible: Does your description of the process and steps required to reach your desired change make logical sense? Are the steps in the right order? Have you missed any steps?
• Feasible: Do you have the right resources and partners to undertake these steps?
• Testable: Are the steps measurable? Is what you hope to measure a good way to evaluate your success?
Articulating your theory of change typically begins by starting with where you want to end up and working backwards to explain the sequence of changes that are required to reach that goal. Theories of change can become quite detailed and complex, but they can be helpful in gaining clarity about the path to your desired outcome, and the specific activities and indicators over which you have influence.
To see the Association for Progressive Communications‘ theory of change, go to https://www.apc.org/en/apcs-theory-change-period-2016-2019.

It can be helpful to review the vision, mission and values of others in your sector to ensure that you are clearly differentiating your organization.
- Refer to the IFEX Strategic Planning FAQ: What is your organisation’s competitive advantage?
- Use the IFEX Strategic Planning Tool: Competitive Strength Map to help you capture how you compare to your key competitors.

Strategic Planning Toolkit
Build your strategic plan and improve your organisation’s effectiveness with these strategic planning tools and fact sheets. Not sure where to start? Check out the Starting Points page for advice tailored to your situation.
- Starting Points
- What Are the Components of a Strategic Plan?
- What Are Vision, Mission, Values and Theory of Change?
- What are SMART Goals, Objectives and Targets?
- What is an Annual Plan or Workplan?
- What is an Environmental Scan?
- What is Your Organisation’s Competitive Advantage?
- How Do We Keep Our Strategy and Strategic Plan Current?
- How Do We Measure Change?
- Working With a Consultant
- IFEX Strategic Planning Tools

Organisational Strength Map
Use this tool to identify your organisation’s strengths and explore areas for growth and development.

Communications Strategy Toolkit
Effective communications planning will enable you to raise your organisation’s voice on issues that matter.

Financial Sustainability Plan
Ensure that your organisation survives and thrives by strengthening its fiscal framework.

Social Media Strategy
This step-by-step tool will enable you to build an effective social media strategy and engage your online audiences.

Website Optimisation Plan
This 10-step plan will help you improve your website’s impact and usability.