An annual plan is an operational plan that indicates specific goals and objectives for a particular program or programs within a specific timeframe (usually one year). It often includes a detailed plan outlining which activities will be accomplished, by when and by whom.
How is an annual plan linked to a strategic plan? The annual plan references the specific goals of the strategic plan, and indicates how the program and activities will contribute to the longer-term strategic goals. It will also be tied to your annual budget, with specific activities accounted for in both costs and revenues.
How is an annual plan constructed? The steps in creating an annual plan include:
• Refer to the strategic plan. Determine which strategic goals your program area or department is responsible for or contributes to achieving. Transfer these strategic goals to your annual plan.
• For each strategic goal and objective, what activities do you need to undertake within this specific timeframe (usually one year) to move towards achieving that goal? Who is responsible for achieving that goal? What resources are required to achieve it? How will you measure success?
• Take into account what systems and processes need to be in place to allow the work to happen, as well as what human, financial and facilities resources are required. Do you need to back up, and articulate the steps you need to take to ensure that the required resources are available when you need them? This may affect the timing of activities, what portion of the goal you will achieve within the workplan’s timeframe, and what your measure of success will be.
• Given that every organisation faces some limitations on its available resources, you may need to make choices about which activities you will take on and when. An opportunity matrix can help. (See IFEX Strategic Planning Tools: Opportunity Map)
What does an annual plan look like? There are many ways to organise and present an annual plan or workplan. These include:
Example 1:
Strategic goal: [from Strategic Plan]
Strategic objective: [from Strategic Plan]
Annual target | Planned activities | Project lead | Timeframe Inputs/Budget Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 |
Example 2:
Strategic goal: [from Strategic Plan]
Strategic objective: [from Strategic Plan]
Annual objective | Resources & constraints | Actions | Lead | Measurable targets | Timeframe Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 |
For examples of IFEX member annual plans and workplans, see IFEX Planning Snapshots along with strategic plans and workplans from a number of members.

When building your annual plan, use the IFEX Planning Tool: Trend Map to assist in assessing whether and how external conditions may have changed.
External factors such as a change in government, economic issues or shifting priorities for funders (among others) could have a significant effect on your strategic plan. But even smaller shifts in trends affecting your work can influence how effective you are. It can be helpful to review trends as you start to build your annual plan. What has changed since your strategic plan was created? What steps can you take in your annual plan to address those shifts? Are the shifts significant enough that you need to reconsider key parts of your overall strategic plan?

Strategic Planning Toolkit
Build your strategic plan and improve your organisation’s effectiveness with these strategic planning tools and fact sheets. Not sure where to start? Check out the Starting Points page for advice tailored to your situation.
- Starting Points
- What Are the Components of a Strategic Plan?
- What Are Vision, Mission, Values and Theory of Change?
- What are SMART Goals, Objectives and Targets?
- What is an Annual Plan or Workplan?
- What is an Environmental Scan?
- What is Your Organisation’s Competitive Advantage?
- How Do We Keep Our Strategy and Strategic Plan Current?
- How Do We Measure Change?
- Working With a Consultant
- IFEX Strategic Planning Tools

Organisational Strength Map
Use this tool to identify your organisation’s strengths and explore areas for growth and development.

Communications Strategy Toolkit
Effective communications planning will enable you to raise your organisation’s voice on issues that matter.

Financial Sustainability Plan
Ensure that your organisation survives and thrives by strengthening its fiscal framework.

Social Media Strategy
This step-by-step tool will enable you to build an effective social media strategy and engage your online audiences.

Website Optimisation Plan
This 10-step plan will help you improve your website’s impact and usability.