World Press Freedom Day

Link to: CPJ’s Impunity Index ranks countries where killers of journalists go free

CPJ’s Impunity Index ranks countries where killers of journalists go free

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is an abridged CPJ press release: GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER CPJ’s Impunity Index ranks countries where killers of journalists go free New York, April 30, 2008 – Democracies from Colombia to India and Russia to the Philippines are among the worst nations in the world at prosecuting journalists’ killers according to […]

Link to: CAPSULE REPORT: From political coercion and violence to advertiser pressure, challenges continue to confront regional media, says IFJ report

CAPSULE REPORT: From political coercion and violence to advertiser pressure, challenges continue to confront regional media, says IFJ report

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: Press Freedom in the Balance in South Asia IFJ Releases Sixth Annual Report The sixth annual South Asia Press Freedom Report, produced by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) for the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and released today ahead of World Press Freedom Day […]

Link to: Journalists hindered by criminal defamation laws, financial pressures; draft access to information law submitted to Parliament

Journalists hindered by criminal defamation laws, financial pressures; draft access to information law submitted to Parliament

(Globe International/IFEX) – The following is a Globe International press release: JOURNALISTS PLEASED WITH DRAFT LAW OF MONGOLIA ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION BEING SUBMITTED TO PARLIAMENT Globe International and the Open Society Forum in Mongolia organized a roundtable, “Against censorship!”, on 2 May 2007, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day. This day also […]

Link to: Two IFEX members and others condemn presidential veto of freedom of information bill, attacks on journalists and media outlets

Two IFEX members and others condemn presidential veto of freedom of information bill, attacks on journalists and media outlets

(IJC/MRA/IFEX) – The following is a joint statement by IJC, MTA and other organisations: STATEMENT BY THE MEDIA FOR DEMOCRACY (MFD) IN NIGERIA GROUP ON MAY 3RD 2007, BEING WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY RECALLING that the UN General Assembly in 1993 proclaimed World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of […]

Link to: Failure to punish the world’s “predators of press freedom” one of the greatest threats to the media, says RSF

Failure to punish the world’s “predators of press freedom” one of the greatest threats to the media, says RSF

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an abridged RSF press release: The predators of press freedom For the past six years Reporters Without Borders has exposed the world’s “predators of press freedom” – men and women who directly attack journalists or order others to. Most are top-level politicians (including presidents, prime ministers and kings) but they […]

Link to: JED appeals for end to state violence against media in World Press Freedom Day statement

JED appeals for end to state violence against media in World Press Freedom Day statement

(JED/IFEX) – The following is an abridged 2 May 2007 JED press release: JED appeals for the end of state violence against journalists and the media Kinshasa, 2 May 2007 On the occasion of the 17th World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2007, JED wishes to draw the attention of the public, both nationally […]

Link to: Statistics show freedom of expression under threat, says CENCOS

Statistics show freedom of expression under threat, says CENCOS

(CENCOS/IFEX) – The following is a 2 May 2007 CENCOS press release: On the right to free expression in Mexico: improvements still due The degree to which the right to free expression can be exercised (vs: ability to exercise the right to free expression) is an indicator of the state of democracy in a country, […]

Link to: “Wasted years and little progress made”: impunity still prevails in crimes against journalists, says FLIP

“Wasted years and little progress made”: impunity still prevails in crimes against journalists, says FLIP

(FLIP/IFEX) – The following is a FLIP press release: Impunity still prevails in crimes against journalists Wasted years and little progress made. This is how one could summarize the results of the justice system’s investigations into press freedom violations in Colombia, especially in cases where journalists have been murdered. Far from setting precedents on the […]

Link to: In observance of World Press Freedom Day, CEMESP urges government to improve relations with media

In observance of World Press Freedom Day, CEMESP urges government to improve relations with media

(CEMESP/IFEX) – The following is a 2 May 2007 CEMESP statement: In Observance of Press Freedom Day: CEMESP NUDGES GOVT TO IMPROVE RELATIONS WITH MEDIA Monrovia, May 2, 2007 – The Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP) has called upon the Government of Liberia to make more efforts towards respecting the rights of […]

Link to: IFJ and Vintu Foundation launch humanitarian assistance programme for victims of violence in journalism

IFJ and Vintu Foundation launch humanitarian assistance programme for victims of violence in journalism

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: IFJ and Vintu Foundation Join Hands to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Victims of Violence in Journalism On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Brussels-based Vintu Foundation have announced a programme of humanitarian assistance to provide much needed […]

Link to: Freedom of movement essential for freedom of the press, says IPI

Freedom of movement essential for freedom of the press, says IPI

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI press release: Vienna, 3 May 2007 On World Press Freedom Day, IPI says Freedom of Movement Essential for Freedom of the Press IPI calls on countries to allow their journalists to return and live in safety, and for foreign journalists to be allowed to report without interference. There […]

Link to: CAPSULE REPORT: Attacks on press freedom mount, Internet becoming only refuge, reports Freedom House

CAPSULE REPORT: Attacks on press freedom mount, Internet becoming only refuge, reports Freedom House

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a 2 May 2007 Freedom House press release: Mounting Attacks on Press Freedom in Iran, Internet Fast Becoming Only Refuge May 2, 2007 – As press freedom in Iran continued to deteriorate in 2006, a striking contrast emerged between government efforts to restrict information and the public’s attempts to […]

Link to: CPJ releases “Backsliders” report on the 10 countries where press freedom has most deteriorated

CPJ releases “Backsliders” report on the 10 countries where press freedom has most deteriorated

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is an abridged 2 May 2007 CPJ press release: Backsliders A World Press Freedom Day report from CPJ: The 10 countries where press freedom has most deteriorated New York, May 2, 2007 – Three nations in sub-Saharan Africa are among the places worldwide where press freedom has deteriorated the most over […]

Link to: WAN calls on governments to protect press freedom in face of anti-terrorism laws

WAN calls on governments to protect press freedom in face of anti-terrorism laws

(WAN/IFEX) – The following is a WAN press release: 3 May, World Press Freedom Day Anti-Terrorism Laws Threaten Free Press: WAN The World Association of Newspapers issued a seven-point manifesto today, World Press Freedom Day, that calls on the world’s governments to take specific measures to protect freedom of the press in the face of […]

Link to: “Dreary panorama” for region’s press freedom mitigated by decriminalization of defamation in Mexico, enactment of access to information laws

“Dreary panorama” for region’s press freedom mitigated by decriminalization of defamation in Mexico, enactment of access to information laws

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is an IAPA press release: World Press Freedom Day Message Rafael Molina, El Día, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic President of the Inter American Press Association Journalists and news media in the Americas continue facing major obstacles in seeking to do their job. Organized crime and corruption continue to be sources of […]

Link to: CAPSULE REPORT: Press freedom findings in region disappointing after earlier hopeful years, says Freedom House

CAPSULE REPORT: Press freedom findings in region disappointing after earlier hopeful years, says Freedom House

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a Freedom House press release: Press Freedom Findings in Middle East and North Africa Disappointing after Earlier Hopeful Years Reversing improvements seen in the last few years, press freedom in the Middle East and North Africa declined in 2006, and the region as a whole continued to show the […]