An alliance of IFEX members promoting and defending the right to freedom of expression in Latin America and the Caribbean.


From Mexico to Argentina to Trinidad and Tobago, the 24-member IFEX-ALC is composed of a diversity of organizations from throughout the entire region with the common purpose of defending and promoting freedom of expression. The alliance has been supporting members’ individual and collective efforts in the Latin America/Caribbean region for several years, leading to an impressive track record of mobilizing political will and getting results on key freedom of expression issues in the region.

Latest articles from IFEX-ALC

Argentina: We condemn the alarming closure of civic space

IFEX-ALC, Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información [the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information], and Red Voces del Sur [the Voices of the South network]- three regional networks defending freedom of expression and press freedom– express our concern over the closure of civic space in Argentina as a consequence of the subjugation of freedom of information, expression, press, demonstration and peaceful assembly promoted by the current administration.

Networks call on Uruguayan Chamber of Representatives to vote against Anti-Freedom of Expression Bill

If the proposed legislation is passed, the current law—which was developed with open, participatory and democratic dialogue—will be repealed. Serious and problematic modifications would be introduced with severe implications for the freedom of expression rights of journalists and media outlets in the country.

Venezuela: Civic space at risk of disappearing

Since its presentation before parliament, the debate on the “Law on Control, Regulation, Performance and Financing of Non-Governmental and Related Organisations” has been stigmatising in nature, depicting civil society organisations as “enemies of the country.”

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Help break the chain: don’t become a channel for disinformation!

Monday 28 September is the International Day for Universal Access to Information, and IFEX-ALC — the alliance of IFEX members in Latin America and the Caribbean — has launched a new campaign to encourage critical thinking among users of messaging services and social media platforms.

Although disinformation has always been with us, the rise in popularity of these services and platforms has allowed rumours to spread to a much wider audience in a much shorter time.

Check out this op-ed by Alejandro Delgado, president of IFEX-ALC’s Coordinating Committee, for practical advice on how to spot disinformation, and the importance of checking the source and accuracy of information before sharing it.

Digital Security for Journalists Campaign

For journalists covering sensitive issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, digital security is a must. However, in a recent survey conducted by IFEX-ALC members, journalists working in the region reported a lack of awareness and use of digital security practices. IFEX-ALC network’s campaign aims to change this by improving journalists’ ability to protect themselves online through the strategic promotion of digital security tools and practices.