Two CARICOM journalists expelled without justification

This article is more than 17 years old

Recent articles in Antigua and Barbuda

Link to: Antiguan government should join other Caribbean nations by abolishing criminal libel

Antiguan government should join other Caribbean nations by abolishing criminal libel

IPI calls on the newly elected prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda to keep to his promise and repeal criminal defamation within the first three months of his administration.

Link to: Cyber attacks plague Antiguan investigative news site

Cyber attacks plague Antiguan investigative news site

The International Press Institute is deeply alarmed to hear that the editors of the Antiguan investigative news site Caribarena have left Antigua and Barbuda reportedly due to fear for their family’s safety.

Link to: Antiguan political leaders commit to repealing criminal defamation

Antiguan political leaders commit to repealing criminal defamation

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomes commitments made by the political leadership in Antigua and Barbuda to repeal criminal defamation – possibly as soon as May 3, World Press Freedom Day.