“Alma-ata info” newspaper facing charges

This article is more than 18 years old

Recent articles in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan: Satirical blogger faces long prison sentence

Temirlan Yensebek – currently in pre-trial detention – was charged with ‘inciting inter-ethnic discord’ for his satirical content. He faces up to seven years in prison if convicted.

Kazakhstan’s new mass media law threatens free speech and access to information

The new law imposes onerous registration requirements on online publications and gives the government power to interfere with the work of foreign journalists if their materials contain “propaganda of extremism.”

Prominence of Central Asian states on HRC is an opportunity for change

For the first time, three countries from Central Asia will be members of the UN HRC. Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan – each of which has serious human rights concerns – will join the other 44 members at this year’s opening session on 27 February.